Anyone receive the vacation email?

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    So i got the email sent by Kiefer about alcohol during vacation.Only thing that I have a question about it after 2pm can you start drinking.I know he said drink a lot of hard liquor after dinner but can I consume after lunch as well?FYI: Going to Vegas soon



    Says after dinner in there but then again it says eat what you want not sure how it'd work on a prot/fat diet but then again who wants to eat like that on vacation



    I assume he means you can eat carbs at lunch and dinner. You're exactly right who wants to be on a diet when the buffets in Vegas have everything!Maybe I stick to shots during the day then  instead of beer.



    I always make a plan before vacation to stick low carb during the day and try to limit damage. Then one taste of a taco or one sip of a pina colada and none of that shit matters.



    Yea I think thats why he incorporated an extended fasting period with coffee and MCT only. Allowing you to basically have a “free eating” period all day, along with some drinks at night. If I planned to use this protocol i personally would try to stick to ULC as long as possible through the day.



    yea personally id try to just stick with the plan and choose one day to cn or if you have acess to a gym in your hotel lucky you 😛


    Brandon D Christ

    I read it.  This is actually very similiar to what I would always do for vacation.  The only exception is that I would not run Carb Nite the week before or up my training.



    Hey guys currently on carbnite and going on a vacation in a few weeks, anyone have an idea if after the vacation i should do my carb nite or redo 10 day phase?


    Bradley R. Collins

    I got a little crazy on my vacation last week and I'm redoing the prep phase, although it will be 9 days, not 10, just due to when I need to do my CN with working nights.



    Hey guys currently on carbnite and going on a vacation in a few weeks, anyone have an idea if after the vacation i should do my carb nite or redo 10 day phase?

    if u eat carbs all day every day then yes redo prep if you can eat protien and fat and somehow workout u can just backload a week and then go back to cn


    Brandon D Christ

    I do not think you need to redo the prep phase, especially if you have been on Carb Nite for a while.  You're body likely will not have any trouble reverting back to burning fat.

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Anyone receive the vacation email?

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