Anyone try Lipo 6?

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  • #229719

    Rob Haas

    To be totally honest with you, you are 17, why take a fat burner?

    17 year olds should not need drugs. Diet and training should be enough...just my opinion.


    Brandon D Christ

    To be totally honest with you, you are 17, why take a fat burner?

    17 year olds should not need drugs. Diet and training should be enough...just my opinion.

    I would agree


    Robert x Oleary

    To be totally honest with you, you are 17, why take a fat burner?

    17 year olds should not need drugs. Diet and training should be enough...just my opinion.

    Completely agree, with the addition of fornication, but I'm a heathen like that. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Rob Haas

    To be totally honest with you, you are 17, why take a fat burner?

    17 year olds should not need drugs. Diet and training should be enough...just my opinion.

    Completely agree, with the addition of fornication, but I'm a heathen like that. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Amen brother!


    Carlito DeGuzman Jr

    I've run a few bottles years ago. Looking back it's not worth the money to buy fat burners, especially from GNC. Pretty much any ingredient that actually works is either banned or illegal without a prescription. Ephedrine and Clenbuterol are the only fat burners worth using, but even those will so much unless your diet is good.

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Anyone try Lipo 6?

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