Appetite and feedings

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    Eric Shaw

    So I wanted to get others opinons particularly people who are achieving their fitness goals, on eating when hungry and not eating when not hungry?I come from years of BB style eating where you basically eat 5 times a day regardless because you need to hit your Macros. And even since those days, I still find myself consciously working to make sure i eat enough protein, fats, carbs or what ever on a given day, sometimes force feeding myself. But this brought me to recently where yesterday I was hungry all day, and ate 4 different times, taking in about 200g pro/200fat/ and trace carbs from only veggies. This put me about 300-400 cals over what I normall eat on a given non training day.  However come today, I woke up at 11am, drank AMaccel shake at 1230pm, then ate large meat and egg omlette at 230pm, wasn't hungry at all even up to 10pm but felt I needed to get more food in my for fear of underating, so I cooked up a 1lb of ground grassfed beef and steamed up some green beans. Upon eating the meal, I realized half way through, I was stuffed and just couldn't get myself to force feed the rest, so decided to listen to my body. I remember Fairy talking about this where somedays she would eat a massive amount and others she would eat very little for lack of appetite and she said she was listening to her body.I'm begining to think there is some truth to this, but at the same time, that muscle loving, meat head in me is always thinking we need to stuff our faces to grow, and it makes it weird to have eaten so little in a day with a goal of gaining muscle and losing fat.What are others thoughts on this?  My thinking is i will train tomorrow and make it up when my body is actually needing the extra energy, no?



    You could eat less when you are not hungry, undereating for one day will probably accelerate fatloss as long as it's not something you do too many times a week.I find some BBers cannot eat because they are too focused on the task of eating and have perception problems when it comes to amounts. 6 eggs is not a lot of food, I don't care if you are child or a small female, same goes for a pound of meat. If you are concerned about getting enough food in, just eat faster and wait for your stomach to stretch a bit over time. I guess it's easy for me to say as I have the opposite problem, I never get the fullness signal, I have to feel my stomach being distended and the food starting to come up. Keep in mind though, when I went on a long bulk after HS I didn't always want to eat, and I forced myself to. However, I'm not sure I'd trade my appetite for yours, so you could just try to get more in when you are hungry, it's probably better to avoid becoming a bottomless pit like yours truly. I find it hilarious some people tell me I should be eating until satisfied. 6 hour carb nite? Madness.



    You could eat less when you are not hungry, undereating for one day will probably accelerate fatloss as long as it's not something you do too many times a week.I find some BBers cannot eat because they are too focused on the task of eating and have perception problems when it comes to amounts. 6 eggs is not a lot of food, I don't care if you are child or a small female, same goes for a pound of meat. If you are concerned about getting enough food in, just eat faster and wait for your stomach to stretch a bit over time. I guess it's easy for me to say as I have the opposite problem, I never get the fullness signal, I have to feel my stomach being distended and the food starting to come up. Keep in mind though, when I went on a long bulk after HS I didn't always want to eat, and I forced myself to. However, I'm not sure I'd trade my appetite for yours, so you could just try to get more in when you are hungry, it's probably better to avoid becoming a bottomless pit like yours truly. I find it hilarious some people tell me I should be eating until satisfied. 6 hour carb nite? Madness.

    I have the sanenprob there man doesnt matter any volume of food i eat im never full, have to restrain myself lol



    You could eat less when you are not hungry, undereating for one day will probably accelerate fatloss as long as it's not something you do too many times a week.I find some BBers cannot eat because they are too focused on the task of eating and have perception problems when it comes to amounts. 6 eggs is not a lot of food, I don't care if you are child or a small female, same goes for a pound of meat. If you are concerned about getting enough food in, just eat faster and wait for your stomach to stretch a bit over time. I guess it's easy for me to say as I have the opposite problem, I never get the fullness signal, I have to feel my stomach being distended and the food starting to come up. Keep in mind though, when I went on a long bulk after HS I didn't always want to eat, and I forced myself to. However, I'm not sure I'd trade my appetite for yours, so you could just try to get more in when you are hungry, it's probably better to avoid becoming a bottomless pit like yours truly. I find it hilarious some people tell me I should be eating until satisfied. 6 hour carb nite? Madness.

    I have the sanenprob there man doesnt matter any volume of food i eat im never full, have to restrain myself lol

    same here. any macro or calorie calculator based on my height, body weight and fat % and activity level have never been accurate for me...i'm usually always hungry and end up eating waaaay more than i "think" i should be especially starting CBL, and i've actually lost fat.


    Brandon D Christ

    I never ran Carb Nite for more than a week, but when I did, I found that when I was starting to get hungry to the point I wanted to eat more than my bodyweight in fat and protein, it was because I was craving carbs.


    Eric Shaw

    Let me clarify and say that when I mean I get full faster, I am referring to high fat/protein meals with no starchy carbs. If I were to go back to eating carbs every meal I would be raging hungry all day. It took me a long time to get to a point to be able moderate my carb intake even pre- IF or CBL. But once I started doing IF my appetite got much more under control even eating carbs 2-3 times a day every day since it was moved into a short window.But If I were to eat a bowl of rice or burrito for lunch or a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast I would be raging hungry come midday and would be able to eat as much as any of you. It is the high fat/protein that seems to keep my appetite at bay combined with the IF'ing for 12-14 hours per day, and reduced activity levels on non-training days.



    Ahhh I see. Definitely the activity level will not help, I rarely crave protein and fat myself on a rest day when I'm not doing much, definitely just make an effort to reach your minimums and I wouldn't worry too much about the rest. The only real problem with undereating for a day is if you feel weak/hungry the next day, if not I would not worry about it. It is about listening to your body, but usually those things won't affect you the day of, you have to wait the next day to judge how you feel.For ground beef I find it easier to eat if there is bacon or cheese added to it...on its own with greens probably makes it feel more like a brick.



    I never ran Carb Nite for more than a week, but when I did, I found that when I was starting to get hungry to the point I wanted to eat more than my bodyweight in fat and protein, it was because I was craving carbs.

    Definetly had better results CBL than i have have CNS i just find if i withhold carbs to long it turns into carb/fat everything massacre not soloition lol

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Appetite and feedings

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