apple cider vinager

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    i've heard apple cider vinager has some great health benefits and helps promote fat loss as well. I also heard it prevents the absortion of fat which could cause problems during CNS or off days of CBL.  Would this be good to add to the regimen, and if so when?


    Richard Schmitt

    A cap full before bed.



    Is this really true? I thought it was an old wive's tale. How does it work? Any studies?


    Richard Schmitt

    Uhm Kiefer mentioned this in a podcast I believe #10? I can't truly remember.


    Gerald F. Santoleri

    Kiefer mentioned it in a pod-cast as a way to stop heart burn that I remember.  Not sure if he said anything about the fat loss aftewards?

    All man are the same except for their belief in their own selves, regardless of what others may think of them


    Brandon D Christ

    I tried it once and it appeared to work.  I rarely get heartburn so I can't really say anything except it seemed to work the one time I used it.  The idea behind it seems solid though.  You heartburn occurs because there is not enough acid in the stomach, not because there is too much.  I don't have a source but I read once that when people with GERD are tested for acidity in their stomach, they almost always have poor acidity, yet they are constantly getting heartburn.  Also heartburn occurs and older people not younger people, yet acid production in the stomach declines with age. 

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apple cider vinager

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