Applying Kiefer principles to my training.

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  • #2810

    Leo Solis

    I train four times a week. Given I train at home with only a barbell ana bench, my training split looks like this: Monday: Curl, Strict over head press, clean, snatch. 2 PSR sets for each excercise except for the snatch, for those I do 10 sets of 2 reps (30seconds rest intervals) with around 80% of my max afte or beforer each work out 3 times a week.Tuesday: Snatch and Front squats. First the snatch warm up and doubles.  Then 2 PSR sets for the f. squats and then 5 sets of 10 reps with 50% of my max (90secons rest intervals).Thursday: Snatch warm up and doubles. Then Bench press and bent over row  2 PSR sets for each excerciseFriday:  Deadlift, clean, snatch.  2 PSR sets for the deadlift,  1 PSR set for the clean and 2  2 PSR sets for the snatch.I always lift as explosively as possible no matter the weight.Thats it. What do you think?

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Applying Kiefer principles to my training.

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