Are Women Getting too Masculine?

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    Just interested to hear your opinions! I personally walk around all the time thinking, "Where the f*** are the masculine males?" (Obviously not on this forum, but when I'm sitting on the subway, or even at the gym.)Are women getting less feminine? I heard a podcast talking about this recently. I want your opinions both on physical and mental, so looks & attitudes.


    Richard Schmitt

    You have to understand that the whole “Male Look” is not well a “Male Look” anymore. Because of the hype with most males wanting to be Metrosexual. Because they see that women are “running” after males that look like the guy from the vampire movies, or Justin Bieber, the boy bands (One Direction to name a few), etc. So if they want to be with women, then they have to change their look and attitude to match said needs/wants. I see the jack@$$ at my gym that are the “bros” working out the areas that women tend to look at the most, even saw a recent study in regards to what appeals to men and women. It's all about adjusting to the want/needs of the opposite sex. I haven't seen too many females that are "less feminine" personally, I do however see (from time to time) the ones who go to my gym and literally lift heavy and train! A lot like how most female lifters are on these forums.


    Just interested to hear your opinions! I personally walk around all the time thinking, "Where the f*** are the masculine males?" (Obviously not on this forum, but when I'm sitting on the subway, or even at the gym.)Are women getting less feminine? I heard a podcast talking about this recently. I want your opinions both on physical and mental, so looks & attitudes.

    This, sad but true.As for women getting less femanine... yes.  It has a lot to do with hormone issues caused by chemicals in products and the environment (over decades).  I've seen this issue address before, in articles since 2009.  The reasons behind it are the same behind the rising femininity of men.  Hormones will affect how the brain works, too.  It isn't just a physical thing, it bleeds into mental and emotional territory.Are we just talking about general populace?  Because I know men, in general (not necessarily on here), think that women with any muscle (even a little) are "too manly".  In that case, I feel that if a woman still maintains her femanine 'curves', there is nothing wrong with muscle on a girl.  However, I am not attracted to the full-blown female bodybuilder look (which requires heavy dosing of gear).  Bikini, Figure and Fitness competitors can be VERY nice though.Cory


    You have to understand that the whole "Male Look" is not well a "Male Look" anymore. Because of the hype with most males wanting to be Metrosexual. Because they see that women are "running" after males that look like the guy from the vampire movies, or Justin Bieber, the boy bands (One Direction to name a few), etc. So if they want to be with women, then they have to change their look and attitude to match said needs/wants. I see the jack@$$ at my gym that are the "bros" working out the areas that women tend to look at the most, even saw a recent study in regards to what appeals to men and women. It's all about adjusting to the want/needs of the opposite sex. I haven't seen too many females that are "less feminine" personally, I do however see (from time to time) the ones who go to my gym and literally lift heavy and train! A lot like how most female lifters are on these forums.

    This is true, but I still turn the heads of girls everywhere I go... even when they are WITH their significant others.  I am not imagining this, company I am with notices it too.  Good times.  ;DIt always amuses me when the dude puffs his chest up in response (when he actually notices his girl doing this).There may be a popular 'look', but you can't beat ages of evolutionary wiring urging women to pick a strong, virile 'mate'.  We are still programmed to survive as a species... and Bieber looks like he would break easily.Cory


    Brandon D Christ

    You have to understand that the whole "Male Look" is not well a "Male Look" anymore. Because of the hype with most males wanting to be Metrosexual. Because they see that women are "running" after males that look like the guy from the vampire movies, or Justin Bieber, the boy bands (One Direction to name a few), etc. So if they want to be with women, then they have to change their look and attitude to match said needs/wants. I see the jack@$$ at my gym that are the "bros" working out the areas that women tend to look at the most, even saw a recent study in regards to what appeals to men and women. It's all about adjusting to the want/needs of the opposite sex. I haven't seen too many females that are "less feminine" personally, I do however see (from time to time) the ones who go to my gym and literally lift heavy and train! A lot like how most female lifters are on these forums.

    This is true, but I still turn the heads of girls everywhere I go... even when they are WITH their significant others.  I am not imagining this, company I am with notices it too.  Good times.  ;DIt always amuses me when the dude puffs his chest up in response (when he actually notices his girl doing this).There may be a popular 'look', but you can't beat ages of evolutionary wiring urging women to pick a strong, virile 'mate'.  We are still programmed to survive as a species... and Bieber looks like he would break easily.Cory

    For the most part I don't think being muscular is in style these days.  It seems like most girls, especially white girls from affluent backgrounds, are not attracted to muscular men.  I personally have been mocked before for being muscular, especially because I am short on top of that which just screams Napoleon complex, which is kind of true, but in my opinion, it's normal to be insecure about something and insecurity is the best source of motivation that I know of.  The only people that aren't insecure those people sitting in their mom's basement smoking pot all day thinking they have life figured out!Girls are the opposite of guys, they still look feminine, but do not have feminine personalities anymore.  They are loud, obnoxious, and very un-lady like.



    I really can't believe that anyone but 13 yo girls find Bieber attractive haha!And Edward the vampire? I was embarrassed on his behalf when he had to take his top off in that movie.



    You have to understand that the whole "Male Look" is not well a "Male Look" anymore. Because of the hype with most males wanting to be Metrosexual. Because they see that women are "running" after males that look like the guy from the vampire movies, or Justin Bieber, the boy bands (One Direction to name a few), etc. So if they want to be with women, then they have to change their look and attitude to match said needs/wants. I see the jack@$$ at my gym that are the "bros" working out the areas that women tend to look at the most, even saw a recent study in regards to what appeals to men and women. It's all about adjusting to the want/needs of the opposite sex. I haven't seen too many females that are "less feminine" personally, I do however see (from time to time) the ones who go to my gym and literally lift heavy and train! A lot like how most female lifters are on these forums.

    This is true, but I still turn the heads of girls everywhere I go... even when they are WITH their significant others.  I am not imagining this, company I am with notices it too.  Good times.  ;DIt always amuses me when the dude puffs his chest up in response (when he actually notices his girl doing this).There may be a popular 'look', but you can't beat ages of evolutionary wiring urging women to pick a strong, virile 'mate'.  We are still programmed to survive as a species... and Bieber looks like he would break easily.Cory

    For the most part I don't think being muscular is in style these days.  It seems like most girls, especially white girls from affluent backgrounds, are not attracted to muscular men.  I personally have been mocked before for being muscular, especially because I am short on top of that which just screams Napoleon complex, which is kind of true, but in my opinion, it's normal to be insecure about something and insecurity is the best source of motivation that I know of.  The only people that aren't insecure those people sitting in their mom's basement smoking pot all day thinking they have life figured out!Girls are the opposite of guys, they still look feminine, but do not have feminine personalities anymore.  They are loud, obnoxious, and very un-lady like.

    Huh. If your theory is true I should have my pick of muscular men 🙂 I like your theory 😀Unfortunately, I – well, let's just say that if I have an opinion, other people know about it. However, I love the way I am, so I will keep being like this until I feel inspired to change. Anyway – interesting!


    For the most part I don't think being muscular is in style these days.  It seems like most girls, especially white girls from affluent backgrounds, are not attracted to muscular men.  I personally have been mocked before for being muscular, especially because I am short on top of that which just screams Napoleon complex, which is kind of true, but in my opinion, it's normal to be insecure about something and insecurity is the best source of motivation that I know of.  The only people that aren't insecure those people sitting in their mom's basement smoking pot all day thinking they have life figured out!Girls are the opposite of guys, they still look feminine, but do not have feminine personalities anymore.  They are loud, obnoxious, and very un-lady like.

    Muscle is definitely not in-style, but it has gained some popularity with movies like Thor, and that kid with the long neck from Twilight (Taylor Lautner) who put on some muscle for his role.Luckily, I don't get mocked (to my face, at least)... I am 6 feet tall, and I carry myself in such a way that people have asked me if I am a martial artist (without knowing me).  It's all in the posture, and the "don't fuck with me" look I wear walking around NYC (it works).As for people acting obnoxious and stupid... that is a trend of the times.  Infuriating, isn't it?Cory


    I really can't believe that anyone but 13 yo girls find Bieber attractive haha!And Edward the vampire? I was embarrassed on his behalf when he had to take his top off in that movie.

    Didn't you like his CG'ed six-pack?  LOL!  😛Pattison looks like he'd break easily, too.  That fucker can't way more than a buck-fifty.Cory


    Participant type of topic often comes up in powerlifting/strength forums, but it's usually crudely articulated("When did being a skinny bitch become desirable?"); though I suppose this would just be the female version.As to the original question, no I don't see women changing too much from where they were years ago; at least in my immediate geography.


    Brandon D Christ

    For the most part I don't think being muscular is in style these days.  It seems like most girls, especially white girls from affluent backgrounds, are not attracted to muscular men.  I personally have been mocked before for being muscular, especially because I am short on top of that which just screams Napoleon complex, which is kind of true, but in my opinion, it's normal to be insecure about something and insecurity is the best source of motivation that I know of.  The only people that aren't insecure those people sitting in their mom's basement smoking pot all day thinking they have life figured out!Girls are the opposite of guys, they still look feminine, but do not have feminine personalities anymore.  They are loud, obnoxious, and very un-lady like.

    Muscle is definitely not in-style, but it has gained some popularity with movies like Thor, and that kid with the long neck from Twilight (Taylor Lautner) who put on some muscle for his role.Luckily, I don't get mocked (to my face, at least)... I am 6 feet tall, and I carry myself in such a way that people have asked me if I am a martial artist (without knowing me).  It's all in the posture, and the "don't fuck with me" look I wear walking around NYC (it works).As for people acting obnoxious and stupid... that is a trend of the times.  Infuriating, isn't it?Cory

    I don't get mocked overtly.  But I can tell what some people are thinking based on things they say to me.  I think muscle is cool and badass, but it isn't in style.  I think it is just something people want to see in the movies and during an NFL game.


    I don't get mocked overtly.  But I can tell what some people are thinking based on things they say to me.  I think muscle is cool and badass, but it isn't in style.  I think it is just something people want to see in the movies and during an NFL game.

    I am sure any insults, implied or otherwise, are strictly out of jealousy (in some capacity).  A naturally-muscled physique (or even lightly chemically-obtained), that is kept balanced and proportioned, looks like artwork.  Living, breathing artwork.Aesthetics are aesthetics.  I went with a girl to see the second Twilight film (few years ago), and not a single chick in the crowd was boo'ing or moaning when Lautner took screen w/ his new-found muscle.  In fact, I heard lewd comments, roudy women, etc.  This was the sort off behavior I am used to from dudes when a girl on-screen flashes her breasts (or there is a graphic sex scene w/ lots of action).  One girl behind me actually said to her boyfriend (or whoever he was): "what?  Maybe if you looked like that I'd be getting hot for you right now."  Serious!Personally, I think that the metro-sexual look may be "in", but deep-down women still find themselves innately attracted to masculinity (on some level).  That is how they are programmed.  The women who have checked me out or hit on me have come from all walks, all races, all ages, etc.  I live in a big city, so the diversity is pretty extreme.This being said, I've also heard being on or off birth control can affect a woman's view of potential partners.  I've read that women on the pill tend to go for nicer, beta-type guys... where as women off the pill (especially when ovulating) go for men with more virility, masculinity, etc.  The "alpha" types.Just my two cents.Cory


    Richard Schmitt

    You have to understand that the whole "Male Look" is not well a "Male Look" anymore. Because of the hype with most males wanting to be Metrosexual. Because they see that women are "running" after males that look like the guy from the vampire movies, or Justin Bieber, the boy bands (One Direction to name a few), etc. So if they want to be with women, then they have to change their look and attitude to match said needs/wants. I see the jack@$$ at my gym that are the "bros" working out the areas that women tend to look at the most, even saw a recent study in regards to what appeals to men and women. It's all about adjusting to the want/needs of the opposite sex. I haven't seen too many females that are "less feminine" personally, I do however see (from time to time) the ones who go to my gym and literally lift heavy and train! A lot like how most female lifters are on these forums.

    This is true, but I still turn the heads of girls everywhere I go... even when they are WITH their significant others.  I am not imagining this, company I am with notices it too.  Good times.  ;DIt always amuses me when the dude puffs his chest up in response (when he actually notices his girl doing this).There may be a popular 'look', but you can't beat ages of evolutionary wiring urging women to pick a strong, virile 'mate'.  We are still programmed to survive as a species... and Bieber looks like he would break easily.Cory

    Oh yeah don't get me wrong, I still look at the female lifters even if their other half is there. Not being a perv but admiring their passion to make themselves look better, and admiring how they do look now. I mean I had one doing Squats last week and had an amazing body. All out of respect. Haha, I had the dude grab his girl and do PDA in the Squat Rack. Oh true about women wanting that security in their mate. Or that strength in them. I feel bad for Selena Gomez for being with him hahahah


    Richard Schmitt

    You have to understand that the whole "Male Look" is not well a "Male Look" anymore. Because of the hype with most males wanting to be Metrosexual. Because they see that women are "running" after males that look like the guy from the vampire movies, or Justin Bieber, the boy bands (One Direction to name a few), etc. So if they want to be with women, then they have to change their look and attitude to match said needs/wants. I see the jack@$$ at my gym that are the "bros" working out the areas that women tend to look at the most, even saw a recent study in regards to what appeals to men and women. It's all about adjusting to the want/needs of the opposite sex. I haven't seen too many females that are "less feminine" personally, I do however see (from time to time) the ones who go to my gym and literally lift heavy and train! A lot like how most female lifters are on these forums.

    This is true, but I still turn the heads of girls everywhere I go... even when they are WITH their significant others.  I am not imagining this, company I am with notices it too.  Good times.  ;DIt always amuses me when the dude puffs his chest up in response (when he actually notices his girl doing this).There may be a popular 'look', but you can't beat ages of evolutionary wiring urging women to pick a strong, virile 'mate'.  We are still programmed to survive as a species... and Bieber looks like he would break easily.Cory

    For the most part I don't think being muscular is in style these days.  It seems like most girls, especially white girls from affluent backgrounds, are not attracted to muscular men.  I personally have been mocked before for being muscular, especially because I am short on top of that which just screams Napoleon complex, which is kind of true, but in my opinion, it's normal to be insecure about something and insecurity is the best source of motivation that I know of.  The only people that aren't insecure those people sitting in their mom's basement smoking pot all day thinking they have life figured out!Girls are the opposite of guys, they still look feminine, but do not have feminine personalities anymore.  They are loud, obnoxious, and very un-lady like.

    Unfortunately you're right about being muscular not being in style. Ever see the guys in magazines like Men's Health  or Men's Fitness? Sure most have muscle but nothing like what we want to achieve or want. Pretty sad to be honest. I wouldn't understand the point of people making fun of you or mocking. Whats the point and wheres the point? Insecurity in themselves maybe? Fear?


    Richard Schmitt

    I really can't believe that anyone but 13 yo girls find Bieber attractive haha!And Edward the vampire? I was embarrassed on his behalf when he had to take his top off in that movie.

    Yeah tell me about it, I'm trying to figure it out still!Yeah that person. Robert Patterson. Having the "glitter" pop off his body which is funny and yes embarrassing.

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Are Women Getting too Masculine?

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