Are Women Getting too Masculine?

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    Girls are the opposite of guys, they still look feminine, but do not have feminine personalities anymore.  They are loud, obnoxious, and very un-lady like.



    Brandon D Christ

    I really can't believe that anyone but 13 yo girls find Bieber attractive haha!And Edward the vampire? I was embarrassed on his behalf when he had to take his top off in that movie.

    Yeah tell me about it, I'm trying to figure it out still!Yeah that person. Robert Patterson. Having the "glitter" pop off his body which is funny and yes embarrassing.

    I don't think girls past 16 years old are attracted to Bieber, however a lot are attracted to Edward.  I think it is understandable, he isn't a bad looking dude.There is what girls say they like and what they actually like.  Still the guys I see that get all the girls are Jersey Shore type guys.  I think women are all attracted to loud douchebags. 



    Young girls may like the boy band look.  Real woman are more attracted to confident men.  If you want to be muscular and fit, make it happened.  Don't decide your physique based on what anyone else may think. I don't think woman in general are getting more masculine.  The typical American diet has caused many to give up on their appearance.  But given the right knowledge and a little motivation, I think they would choose a more feminine appearance.


    I really can't believe that anyone but 13 yo girls find Bieber attractive haha!And Edward the vampire? I was embarrassed on his behalf when he had to take his top off in that movie.

    Yeah tell me about it, I'm trying to figure it out still!Yeah that person. Robert Patterson. Having the "glitter" pop off his body which is funny and yes embarrassing.

    I don't think girls past 16 years old are attracted to Bieber, however a lot are attracted to Edward.  I think it is understandable, he isn't a bad looking dude.There is what girls say they like and what they actually like.  Still the guys I see that get all the girls are Jersey Shore type guys.  I think women are all attracted to loud douchebags.

    Maybe she was an anomoly, but this 30 year old chick at my old job had a HUGE crush on Bieber.  She used to give me shit for hating on him, and teasing her about it.Cory



    Interesting 🙂 Maybe we can blame birth control pills for a) Women's choice of effeminate men, & b) Men being too feminine since they get a dose of estrogen every time they drink from a plastic bottle (BPA), or drink tap water (recycled urine — apparently in London the average drop of tap water has been recycled about 7 times!) . . . Are there any strongly religious countries that don't allow birth control? Maybe we can compare.


    Interesting 🙂 Maybe we can blame birth control pills for a) Women's choice of effeminate men, & b) Men being too feminine since they get a dose of estrogen every time they drink from a plastic bottle (BPA), or drink tap water (recycled urine -- apparently in London the average drop of tap water has been recycled about 7 times!) . . . Are there any strongly religious countries that don't allow birth control? Maybe we can compare.

    Birth control in general (aside from condoms), I just used pills as a popular example.  It has to do with how the hormones are effected by the contraception.  Studies have actually been done on this.  I've actually read about women meeting a guy while on the pill, developing a relationship, getting married or moving in together (as partners), and then later going off the pill to get pregnant, the hormones shift, and the woman finds herself less or completely unattracted to the guy she is with.  She may still have emotional feelings for him, but the 'sexual attraction' factor has changed inside of her.Yes, the BPA, parabens, and other chemicals in our consumables and products are all causing issues and have been for decades.Poor diet, lack of exercise in general, and a multitude of other horrible life-style choices are ruining the men and women today.It's really a combination of building factors.Cory



    Unfortunately the media decides what we should and should not look like. give me a girl that can squat. That's my idea of feminism. Too often people are encouraged to eat less, cake themselves with makeup and avoid the weights.I try often to encourage them to lift weights. "but I don't want to get big" /sighTalk to some of your female peers. They immediately think the worse of lifting weight. Need to change that mentality.


    Brandon D Christ

    Unfortunately the media decides what we should and should not look like. give me a girl that can squat. That's my idea of feminism. Too often people are encouraged to eat less, cake themselves with makeup and avoid the weights.I try often to encourage them to lift weights. "but I don't want to get big" /sighTalk to some of your female peers. They immediately think the worse of lifting weight. Need to change that mentality.

    The thing is, lifting weights is a good way for women to obtain the look the media promotes.  I have heard that most supermodels and actresses lift weights.  For some reason, those damn women's magazines, as well as old fitness myths, keep telling women not to lift.


    Richard Schmitt

    Unfortunately the media decides what we should and should not look like. give me a girl that can squat. That's my idea of feminism. Too often people are encouraged to eat less, cake themselves with makeup and avoid the weights.I try often to encourage them to lift weights. "but I don't want to get big" /sighTalk to some of your female peers. They immediately think the worse of lifting weight. Need to change that mentality.

    The thing is, lifting weights is a good way for women to obtain the look the media promotes.  I have heard that most supermodels and actresses lift weights.  For some reason, those damn women's magazines, as well as old fitness myths, keep telling women not to lift.

    Maybe because they'll be out of job and the models won't like other women looking better than them



    Maybe because they'll be out of job and the models won't like other women looking better than them

    Quite possibly true. maybe Kiefer needs to release a new cover for CN. How to become a super model.


    Richard Schmitt

    Maybe because they'll be out of job and the models won't like other women looking better than them

    Quite possibly true. maybe Kiefer needs to release a new cover for CN. How to become a super model.

    Honestly, I'm sure it would help but it will make women feel more insecure about themselves. They read magazines about how to tone up or what not, but either a) never get around to it or b) lack the motivation or support to accomplish a goal. That reality show, "America's Next Top Model" for example, I would (be forced to) watch it with my ex, they had what they called a "Plus Sized Model", and was voted off because of being a "Plus"! In my opinion she looked hella better than the skinny twigs, that would break the moment you gave them a hug. Anyways, my ex would gripe about how they would look and wished she was like that. I encouraged her to go to the gym with me, and help you get there...did she do it? No...again lack of motivation in herself and insecurity. SHE HAD SUPPORT!


    Brandon D Christ

    Maybe because they'll be out of job and the models won't like other women looking better than them

    Quite possibly true. maybe Kiefer needs to release a new cover for CN. How to become a super model.

    Honestly, I'm sure it would help but it will make women feel more insecure about themselves. They read magazines about how to tone up or what not, but either a) never get around to it or b) lack the motivation or support to accomplish a goal. That reality show, "America's Next Top Model" for example, I would (be forced to) watch it with my ex, they had what they called a "Plus Sized Model", and was voted off because of being a "Plus"! In my opinion she looked hella better than the skinny twigs, that would break the moment you gave them a hug. Anyways, my ex would gripe about how they would look and wished she was like that. I encouraged her to go to the gym with me, and help you get there...did she do it? No...again lack of motivation in herself and insecurity. SHE HAD SUPPORT!

    In my opinion people need to toughen up.  If you don't like something about yourself then change it.  If you are unable to or if it isn't a priority, deal with it.


    Maybe because they'll be out of job and the models won't like other women looking better than them

    Quite possibly true. maybe Kiefer needs to release a new cover for CN. How to become a super model.

    Honestly, I'm sure it would help but it will make women feel more insecure about themselves. They read magazines about how to tone up or what not, but either a) never get around to it or b) lack the motivation or support to accomplish a goal. That reality show, "America's Next Top Model" for example, I would (be forced to) watch it with my ex, they had what they called a "Plus Sized Model", and was voted off because of being a "Plus"! In my opinion she looked hella better than the skinny twigs, that would break the moment you gave them a hug. Anyways, my ex would gripe about how they would look and wished she was like that. I encouraged her to go to the gym with me, and help you get there...did she do it? No...again lack of motivation in herself and insecurity. SHE HAD SUPPORT!

    In my opinion people need to toughen up.  If you don't like something about yourself then change it.  If you are unable to or if it isn't a priority, deal with it.

    Bob, you fucking said it!People, by and large, are fucking whiney sissies.  Most would rather complain than try to change what they dislike.Cory



    Guys, I know some of these female models — sorry to burst your bubble, but they live off toast and ciggies.


    Richard Schmitt

    Oh yeah Ibo, FULLY AGREEING with what you said. people do need to toughen up. We live in a society today that gets their panties in a bunch at the first sign of trouble or if anything is said to them. Another prime example, the “Overweight” News Lady. Someone mentioned how “big” she was, and she commenced to throwing a temper tantrum. On air mind you! That's just one example…I could name a list of other stupid crap.Anyways, Fairy...I wouldn't know what I would do with myself if I ended up with someone who ate just "toast and ciggies"...probably force feed them bacon and eggs

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Are Women Getting too Masculine?

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