Are Women Getting too Masculine?

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  • #102777

    Guys, I know some of these female models -- sorry to burst your bubble, but they live off toast and ciggies.

    Not the figure and bikini models that compete (think IFBB)... maybe runway models.  😉Cory


    Brandon D Christ

    Guys, I know some of these female models -- sorry to burst your bubble, but they live off toast and ciggies.

    I don't know supermodels and actresses personally, but from reading various blogs and stuff I heard a lot of their trainers had them doing stuff with weights.  And they weren't 2.5 pound vinyl dumbbells.I used to work with a girl who was a model.  I didn't know her super well and I didn't spend any time with her out of work, but I saw her eat regularly since it was a restaurant and she didn't eat much differently then I did.  To be honest the supermodels probably and similar to pro bodybuilders in the sense they probably don't need to starve themselves because they have the genetics for that sort of look.  I mean extremely skinny people that can eat garbage all day and still be skinny aren't that uncommon.  We all probably know a couple of them.


    Brandon D Christ

    Oh yeah Ibo, FULLY AGREEING with what you said. people do need to toughen up. We live in a society today that gets their panties in a bunch at the first sign of trouble or if anything is said to them. Another prime example, the "Overweight" News Lady. Someone mentioned how "big" she was, and she commenced to throwing a temper tantrum. On air mind you! That's just one example...I could name a list of other stupid crap.Anyways, Fairy...I wouldn't know what I would do with myself if I ended up with someone who ate just "toast and ciggies"...probably force feed them bacon and eggs

    I get annoyed when I hear girls get depressed or anorexic because they look at supermodels in magazines and are sad they don't look like this.  I can't sympathize.  Grow up and worry about something that actually matters.  Then Kiefer writes a damn article about it and says that the government needs to set a law about what a model can weigh or something.  Really?  Kiefer, not you!


    Richard Schmitt

    Yeah Wasn't it about how they photoshop pictures? That the people in India (I believe) commented on this that if their models cannot use this method to please the public? I thought he meant that they should follow the same principle.


    Brandon D Christ

    Yeah Wasn't it about how they photoshop pictures? That the people in India (I believe) commented on this that if their models cannot use this method to please the public? I thought he meant that they should follow the same principle.

    I don't know, but I don't think the Gov't has any right to tell advertisers if they can photoshop their models or not.  We already have enough government control.  If people feel bad about it, too bad.



    Yep, I agree with Ibo. Besides, photoshop doesn't matter, they can use load of makeup and take 1,00000 photos until they get a 'good' one. It will still give an unrealistic view of reality. Not to mention the fact that they actually do use 14 yo girls to model women's clothing ranges!


    Brandon D Christ

    Yep, I agree with Ibo. Besides, photoshop doesn't matter, they can use load of makeup and take 1,00000 photos until they get a 'good' one. It will still give an unrealistic view of reality. Not to mention the fact that they actually do use 14 yo girls to model women's clothing ranges!

    Yea really, I look at Victoria's Secret underwear models and they literally look like they are 16.  Now I bet they are over 18, but it is almost like they are chosen specifically because they look really young.  Rather disturbing actually.



    So, I went to the Victoria's Secret website to see if I could find an image to bitch about. But in all seriousness, all I can say is 'They look HOT', and 'Do they ship to the UK?'That is all.


    Brandon D Christ

    So, I went to the Victoria's Secret website to see if I could find an image to bitch about. But in all seriousness, all I can say is 'They look HOT', and 'Do they ship to the UK?'That is all.

    Haha I do think they look hot, but I am 23.  But the 50 year old magazine editors are the ones choosing them.



    Well, 50 yr old men will still be attracted to 'fertile' looking women. That's just how humans work


    Brandon D Christ

    Well, 50 yr old men will still be attracted to 'fertile' looking women. That's just how humans work

    16 year old girls?



    So, I went to the Victoria's Secret website to see if I could find an image to bitch about. But in all seriousness, all I can say is 'They look HOT', and 'Do they ship to the UK?'That is all.

    At least you admitted this! I do remember you referencing that you wanted to get down to "Vitoria Secret Model Skinny" in one of your threads....I might be mistaken I may or may not look forward to the fashion show...There is also something unbelievably attractive about a girl that can do a pull up or deadlifts.



    You are correct PS. I am going to get down to that look! This is me today: irony is, the more fat I lose, the better I get at pullups 😀



    You are correct PS. I am going to get down to that look! This is me today: irony is, the more fat I lose, the better I get at pullups 😀

    Your defiantly getting there. Your progress photos (RIP) are really impressive. Your pants are legit btw. If I every see a girl do a muscle up I will propose on the spot.



    Thank you 🙂 A muscle up is one of my aspirations

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Are Women Getting too Masculine?

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