Are Women Getting too Masculine?

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    You are correct PS. I am going to get down to that look! This is me today: irony is, the more fat I lose, the better I get at pullups 😀

    Your defiantly getting there. Your progress photos (RIP) are really impressive. Your pants are legit btw. If I every see a girl do a muscle up I will propose on the spot.

    Indeed. Im impressed just to see females do proper pullups!


    Well, 50 yr old men will still be attracted to 'fertile' looking women. That's just how humans work

    16 year old girls?

    Unfortunately, yes.  Sick old fucks.Cory



    You have to understand that the whole "Male Look" is not well a "Male Look" anymore. Because of the hype with most males wanting to be Metrosexual. Because they see that women are "running" after males that look like the guy from the vampire movies, or Justin Bieber, the boy bands (One Direction to name a few), etc. So if they want to be with women, then they have to change their look and attitude to match said needs/wants. I see the jack@$$ at my gym that are the "bros" working out the areas that women tend to look at the most, even saw a recent study in regards to what appeals to men and women. It's all about adjusting to the want/needs of the opposite sex. I haven't seen too many females that are "less feminine" personally, I do however see (from time to time) the ones who go to my gym and literally lift heavy and train! A lot like how most female lifters are on these forums.

    This is true, but I still turn the heads of girls everywhere I go... even when they are WITH their significant others.  I am not imagining this, company I am with notices it too.  Good times.  ;DIt always amuses me when the dude puffs his chest up in response (when he actually notices his girl doing this).There may be a popular 'look', but you can't beat ages of evolutionary wiring urging women to pick a strong, virile 'mate'.  We are still programmed to survive as a species... and Bieber looks like he would break easily.Cory

    Rofl. @Cory the delusion/confidence/charm is addicting. I'm borrowing it, thanks.


    You have to understand that the whole "Male Look" is not well a "Male Look" anymore. Because of the hype with most males wanting to be Metrosexual. Because they see that women are "running" after males that look like the guy from the vampire movies, or Justin Bieber, the boy bands (One Direction to name a few), etc. So if they want to be with women, then they have to change their look and attitude to match said needs/wants. I see the jack@$$ at my gym that are the "bros" working out the areas that women tend to look at the most, even saw a recent study in regards to what appeals to men and women. It's all about adjusting to the want/needs of the opposite sex. I haven't seen too many females that are "less feminine" personally, I do however see (from time to time) the ones who go to my gym and literally lift heavy and train! A lot like how most female lifters are on these forums.

    This is true, but I still turn the heads of girls everywhere I go... even when they are WITH their significant others.  I am not imagining this, company I am with notices it too.  Good times.  ;DIt always amuses me when the dude puffs his chest up in response (when he actually notices his girl doing this).There may be a popular 'look', but you can't beat ages of evolutionary wiring urging women to pick a strong, virile 'mate'.  We are still programmed to survive as a species... and Bieber looks like he would break easily.Cory

    Rofl. @Cory the delusion/confidence/charm is addicting. I'm borrowing it, thanks.

    No delusions.  I have witnesses.  ;DSerious.  I was walking with a friend a few weeks back (when I could still wear a tank out regularly, and show off my mass), and she actually turned to me suprised, and said something to the effect of:  "you know, you were right, people really are looking at you.  Men and women."I guess she thought I was imagining it.  I wasn't.Dunno about the "charm" bit... I speak a myriad colorful 4-letter words.  My mouth got me record detentions when I was 11.  😮Cory


    marica smith

    Are Women Getting too Masculine?Too masculine?  >:( Hell NO!!! I don't believe there is such a thing.  Same goes for men being too feminine.



    I like the comments I hear about some guys like “he's ripped”.. Meanwhile the guy is vascular and has abs because he only weighs 140lbs and is 6'2″ for god sakes. They don't know what ripped is. I have a buddy who plays alot of soccer (that's football for you Fairy) and he is only 22. It's funny to hear him describe himself because he is one of those 6'2″ 140lb guys. He thinks he looks great. I had him over to lift one time and he couldn't even bench 95lbs. As to the original question, I agree with some of the comments already made that the increasing aggression and masculinity of women is because the guys are getting so pathetic. Someone has to be the man for fuck sakes! I personally like all kinds of women, within reason, but the way a woman presents herself is extremely important. A very well dressed attractive woman looks as good as a fitness model in yoga pants to me, as long as she is walking straight with squared shoulders and not heafting a cigarette.. lolRB



    “I agree with some of the comments already made that the increasing aggression and masculinity of women is because the guys are getting so pathetic. Someone has to be the man for fuck sakes!”Lol. Agreed!



    With a few minor revivals, muscle will never be in style again. We live in a low-testosterone world, where aggressiveness and strength are either useless or downright detrimental to success.Women pick mates who are best suited to excel in the environment of the time. And (generalizing) these are not us musclemen. So why should they put up with our high-testosterone bullshit (more violent, more pushy, high sex drive, lower life expentancy, less social) when they can mooch off of a successful skinny twerp instead?



    Well fatbencher, you seem to be forgetting that women are set to out earn men in the work place. What will we use you for then?


    Brandon D Christ

    Well fatbencher, you seem to be forgetting that women are set to out earn men in the work place. What will we use you for then?

    This is true.  This is why men are becoming more and more useless.  Women can pretty much get everything they need without men except for sex.  They don't even need men for reproduction anymore, at least not directly.  However for the time being we are caught in a weird limbo where women still desire men more successful than they are, but for people in my generation (people that are currently in their 20s) females tend to be much more successful than men.  Google the phrase "today's young men" and you will find a plethora of articles about how all young men today do is watch porn, play video games, and never grow up.I actually do not think this has anything to do with men becoming less masculine.  I think young men are plenty masculine, there is just no socially acceptable way for them to showcase it anymore.  I think the idea the demonization of tradespeople, fields where men do very. very, well is the problem.  The fact is, most people are not suited for college and the corporate world.  This is also the reason why many folks just graduating college can't find a job, they are simply not that talented in the fields they are trying to get into and the demand for those fields aren't that high.  I recommend to everyone I know that if they aren't majoring in a computers, engineering, or a healthcare related field (there are others too, but those are the big ones), they shouldn't even waste their time and money going to college.  Or at least accept the fact that their chances are not very good.


    I also think the increasing lack of proper father-figures in boys' lives (i.e., proper male role models) is only going to perpetuate the problem even more.  All 'junior' is going to see, in his formative years, is the complete and utter wuss his father is.There are a lot of factors, and this is definitely one of them.Cory


    Brandon D Christ

    I also think the increasing lack of proper father-figures in boys' lives (i.e., proper male role models) is only going to perpetuate the problem even more.  All 'junior' is going to see, in his formative years, is the complete and utter wuss his father is.There are a lot of factors, and this is definitely one of them.Cory

    I agree too.  There are two types of men today, the typical wimpy male and the bad tough guys.  What's missing are the good tough guys that are strong when they need to be to protect everyone else.  There is a few of them, but they are no longer prominent in society.


    I also think the increasing lack of proper father-figures in boys' lives (i.e., proper male role models) is only going to perpetuate the problem even more.  All 'junior' is going to see, in his formative years, is the complete and utter wuss his father is.There are a lot of factors, and this is definitely one of them.Cory

    I agree too.  There are two types of men today, the typical wimpy male and the bad tough guys.  What's missing are the good tough guys that are strong when they need to be to protect everyone else.  There is a few of them, but they are no longer prominent in society.

    +1 to that.Cory



    I also think the increasing lack of proper father-figures in boys' lives (i.e., proper male role models) is only going to perpetuate the problem even more.  All 'junior' is going to see, in his formative years, is the complete and utter wuss his father is.There are a lot of factors, and this is definitely one of them.Cory

    I agree too.  There are two types of men today, the typical wimpy male and the bad tough guys.  What's missing are the good tough guys that are strong when they need to be to protect everyone else.  There is a few of them, but they are no longer prominent in society.

    I definitely agree about the father figure or male figure. And ibob I think there's also one more type too and that's where my dad stands: The hard worker. Hes never been into weightlifting or anything really fitness related, so he doesn't look like a bad ass and probably not very strong(weightlifting wise). But he works his ass off every day at his auto body shop that he owns and has owned for close to 30 years and has been very successful and doesn't even have a college degree. Even as the boss of his business he doesn't just sit at his desk all day, he works on the cars too just like everyone else. I guess in a sense his work ethic makes him a strong bad ass because most guys wouldnt be caught underneath a car covered in filth. Too many people don't know what the fuck hard work even means anymore.


    Richard Schmitt

    I also think the increasing lack of proper father-figures in boys' lives (i.e., proper male role models) is only going to perpetuate the problem even more.  All 'junior' is going to see, in his formative years, is the complete and utter wuss his father is.There are a lot of factors, and this is definitely one of them.Cory

    I agree too.  There are two types of men today, the typical wimpy male and the bad tough guys.  What's missing are the good tough guys that are strong when they need to be to protect everyone else.  There is a few of them, but they are no longer prominent in society.

    I definitely agree about the father figure or male figure. And ibob I think there's also one more type too and that's where my dad stands: The hard worker. Hes never been into weightlifting or anything really fitness related, so he doesn't look like a bad ass and probably not very strong(weightlifting wise). But he works his ass off every day at his auto body shop that he owns and has owned for close to 30 years and has been very successful and doesn't even have a college degree. Even as the boss of his business he doesn't just sit at his desk all day, he works on the cars too just like everyone else. I guess in a sense his work ethic makes him a strong bad ass because most guys wouldnt be caught underneath a car covered in filth. Too many people don't know what the fuck hard work even means anymore.

    No they don't! That's the sad thing about this generation nowadays. My father is the same way, he's a very dedicated hard worked. He used to lift heavy ass weights in high school and tried to afterwards but as all things happen, life took over as a priority. He's my highest role model I'll ever have, and men like him show me what it means (through his dedication and hard work) to be a man and a tough one at that. Another thing about this generation, is males are getting more and more intimitated by talking to women, because of the lack of security in themselves. I see it, I'll notice when women TAKE INTEREST when I talk to them. Doesn't have to be about going on a date or anything of that nature, but a nice educated conversation. Most guys at my gym or around the city don't take the time anymore. At least that's what I see and noticed.

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Are Women Getting too Masculine?

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