Are Women Getting too Masculine?

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    Brandon D Christ

    I also think the increasing lack of proper father-figures in boys' lives (i.e., proper male role models) is only going to perpetuate the problem even more.  All 'junior' is going to see, in his formative years, is the complete and utter wuss his father is.There are a lot of factors, and this is definitely one of them.Cory

    I agree too.  There are two types of men today, the typical wimpy male and the bad tough guys.  What's missing are the good tough guys that are strong when they need to be to protect everyone else.  There is a few of them, but they are no longer prominent in society.

    I definitely agree about the father figure or male figure. And ibob I think there's also one more type too and that's where my dad stands: The hard worker. Hes never been into weightlifting or anything really fitness related, so he doesn't look like a bad ass and probably not very strong(weightlifting wise). But he works his ass off every day at his auto body shop that he owns and has owned for close to 30 years and has been very successful and doesn't even have a college degree. Even as the boss of his business he doesn't just sit at his desk all day, he works on the cars too just like everyone else. I guess in a sense his work ethic makes him a strong bad ass because most guys wouldnt be caught underneath a car covered in filth. Too many people don't know what the fuck hard work even means anymore.

    Hard work = toughnessI didn't necessarily mean physically strong in sense of weightlifting, I meant someone who can handle a lot of adversity.  Your father would fit in the good tough guy category and as I said earlier, there isn't very many of them anymore.



    Ha! This website it awesome! I just learned how to sew on a button ..



    Very manly of you Pita 😉 See what I mean people!!


    Richard Schmitt

    Well pretty much everything that women were supposed to do back in the day I can fully do now. Like sewing a button on a shirt for example 😉


    Brandon D Christ

    Well pretty much everything that women were supposed to do back in the day I can fully do now. Like sewing a button on a shirt for example 😉

    My father taught me to sew actually.


    Well pretty much everything that women were supposed to do back in the day I can fully do now. Like sewing a button on a shirt for example 😉

    My father taught me to sew actually.

    I think all men should be able to sew.Maybe not make whole clothing items, but at least be able to fix stuff.Same with cooking, doing laundry, ironing, and house cleaning. I've known guys in their 20's and 30's that can't do their own laundry. It's much more mainly to be able to take care of yourself then have to depend on someone else to do it for you.My dad taught me to sew as well.


    Richard Schmitt

    Just like that article on DH, about men needing to step up a bit and women have higher standards. Not just with money but being able to do other house works



    It's all give an take around the household. I'll take over a few extra things that would be considered womans work, but the wife better offer up some extra 'tang in return if you know what I mean. Just because we know how to do things doesn't mean we should do it for free. Why buy the cow right guys? Come on now..  ;DRB


    It's all give an take around the household. I'll take over a few extra things that would be considered womans work, but the wife better offer up some extra 'tang in return if you know what I mean. Just because we know how to do things doesn't mean we should do it for free. Why buy the cow right guys? Come on now..  ;DRB

    Totally. As a funny side note to this.In episode 159 of Robb Wolfs podcast he has Tim Ferris on talking about his new book "The 4-hour Chef" and they were talking about cooking being a major mating advantage and Robb said something along the lines of "Totally, for a guy like me to get a wife like mine you'd either need to have a huge penis or be able to cook, so it's a good thing I can cook."


    Richard Schmitt

    ^^^^ lmfao


    Brandon D Christ

    It's all give an take around the household. I'll take over a few extra things that would be considered womans work, but the wife better offer up some extra 'tang in return if you know what I mean. Just because we know how to do things doesn't mean we should do it for free. Why buy the cow right guys? Come on now..  ;DRB

    Totally. As a funny side note to this.In episode 159 of Robb Wolfs podcast he has Tim Ferris on talking about his new book "The 4-hour Chef" and they were talking about cooking being a major mating advantage and Robb said something along the lines of "Totally, for a guy like me to get a wife like mine you'd either need to have a huge penis or be able to cook, so it's a good thing I can cook."

    My date would three options: bacon, eggs, or beef.


    I also think the increasing lack of proper father-figures in boys' lives (i.e., proper male role models) is only going to perpetuate the problem even more.  All 'junior' is going to see, in his formative years, is the complete and utter wuss his father is.There are a lot of factors, and this is definitely one of them.Cory

    I agree too.  There are two types of men today, the typical wimpy male and the bad tough guys.  What's missing are the good tough guys that are strong when they need to be to protect everyone else.  There is a few of them, but they are no longer prominent in society.

    I definitely agree about the father figure or male figure. And ibob I think there's also one more type too and that's where my dad stands: The hard worker. Hes never been into weightlifting or anything really fitness related, so he doesn't look like a bad ass and probably not very strong(weightlifting wise). But he works his ass off every day at his auto body shop that he owns and has owned for close to 30 years and has been very successful and doesn't even have a college degree. Even as the boss of his business he doesn't just sit at his desk all day, he works on the cars too just like everyone else. I guess in a sense his work ethic makes him a strong bad ass because most guys wouldnt be caught underneath a car covered in filth. Too many people don't know what the fuck hard work even means anymore.

    No they don't! That's the sad thing about this generation nowadays. My father is the same way, he's a very dedicated hard worked. He used to lift heavy ass weights in high school and tried to afterwards but as all things happen, life took over as a priority. He's my highest role model I'll ever have, and men like him show me what it means (through his dedication and hard work) to be a man and a tough one at that. Another thing about this generation, is males are getting more and more intimitated by talking to women, because of the lack of security in themselves. I see it, I'll notice when women TAKE INTEREST when I talk to them. Doesn't have to be about going on a date or anything of that nature, but a nice educated conversation. Most guys at my gym or around the city don't take the time anymore. At least that's what I see and noticed.

    Hard work has gone by the way-side, it would appear, in this quick-fix age.One of the reasons why BB'ing isn't very popular, in my opinion, ISN'T b/c dudes don't want a good body, they just don't want to have to fucking work for it... and give up their precious vices (or severely limit them).People seem to want shit now, and don't want to have to work too hard to get it.  Men and women, alike!I remember this small kid (teens?) in my gym, real annoying type, asking one of the seasoned lifters how long it will take for him to get that big.  The kid continued, "can I get your size in three months?"  The lifter said, "are you kidding?  Try years!"  The kid looked thoroughly disheartened, and proceeded to ask: "what about with steroids?"  The lifter mockingly laughed, and ignored the kid at that point.Just an example of the "I want it, and I want it NOW!" mentality.  They don't want to work hard, and they have zero appreciation for the efforts of others.Cory



    I have an interesting aside to this. 10 years ago when I got into really good shape I used to target those girls who would say that they didn't like too much muscle on a guy and thought big muscles were gross. I never met one yet that didn't change her mind. When the time to be alone would come I  would put my patented “body rub” move in effect and give them a good rub down. Then I'd lay down on my stomach in only my shorts and get a back rub. I'd put my hands up under my forehead to squeeze my traps and get a good flare on my lats. EVERY time I would get something like “being in good shape is sexy”. They all don't like it until they get a taste, then the story changes..RB


    Brandon D Christ

    Another thing about this generation, is males are getting more and more intimitated by talking to women, because of the lack of security in themselves. I see it, I'll notice when women TAKE INTEREST when I talk to them. Doesn't have to be about going on a date or anything of that nature, but a nice educated conversation. Most guys at my gym or around the city don't take the time anymore. At least that's what I see and noticed.

    Haha well they tend not to take interest in when I talk to them.  I don't know if it's just me, but I find it difficult to talk to most girls my age about anything other than drinking, partying, and whatever Kim Kardashian is doing.  One thing I think guys have over girls is that girls are a lot more concerned with fitting in and they tend to be more impressionable.  It's more difficult to find girls that have unique interests, which is one my top criterion.  Then again, this coming from someone who never had any female friends.

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Are Women Getting too Masculine?

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