Are Women Getting too Masculine?

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  • #102822

    Brandon D Christ

    I have an interesting aside to this. 10 years ago when I got into really good shape I used to target those girls who would say that they didn't like too much muscle on a guy and thought big muscles were gross. I never met one yet that didn't change her mind. When the time to be alone would come I  would put my patented "body rub" move in effect and give them a good rub down. Then I'd lay down on my stomach in only my shorts and get a back rub. I'd put my hands up under my forehead to squeeze my traps and get a good flare on my lats. EVERY time I would get something like "being in good shape is sexy". They all don't like it until they get a taste, then the story changes..RB

    That's so great I wish I had that charm with girls.  However, I get the feeling some girls say that, but deep down they are really attracted to it.  Kind of like the school boy picking on the girl he likes!



    That cooking analogy said earlier is almost the same for me. In order to land the wife I did you either need to look awesome or have a huge cock, so it's a good thing I looked so good.  ;DRB


    I have an interesting aside to this. 10 years ago when I got into really good shape I used to target those girls who would say that they didn't like too much muscle on a guy and thought big muscles were gross. I never met one yet that didn't change her mind. When the time to be alone would come I  would put my patented "body rub" move in effect and give them a good rub down. Then I'd lay down on my stomach in only my shorts and get a back rub. I'd put my hands up under my forehead to squeeze my traps and get a good flare on my lats. EVERY time I would get something like "being in good shape is sexy". They all don't like it until they get a taste, then the story changes..RB

    +1My muscle has NEVER failed me yet in the female department, even when they're WITH their fucking boyfriends / sig. others (I still command their attention).  8)I've had more girls approach me and blatantly hit on me or open me to make a move, when my muscle is showing, than I've EVER had in an expensive suit or before I began lifting (and I've never had a problem w/ girls).  I am talking a good majority of attractive, quality girls (by quality, I mean healthy-looking).  Though, if I catch one smoking, instant deal-breaker!  No matter how she looks.I am talking girls of all races and all walks.  I live in NYC, so the diversity is extreme here.Perhaps muscularity isn't popular in the media, but you cannot ignore an age-old, deeply-ingrained evolutionary attraction to a strong and virile mate.  Period!Cory


    Another thing about this generation, is males are getting more and more intimitated by talking to women, because of the lack of security in themselves. I see it, I'll notice when women TAKE INTEREST when I talk to them. Doesn't have to be about going on a date or anything of that nature, but a nice educated conversation. Most guys at my gym or around the city don't take the time anymore. At least that's what I see and noticed.

    Haha well they tend not to take interest in when I talk to them.  I don't know if it's just me, but I find it difficult to talk to most girls my age about anything other than drinking, partying, and whatever Kim Kardashian is doing.  One thing I think guys have over girls is that girls are a lot more concerned with fitting in and they tend to be more impressionable.  It's more difficult to find girls that have unique interests, which is one my top criterion.  Then again, this coming from someone who never had any female friends.




    Story time!I went to a bonfire thinking it would be a big group and I could meet new people(females). Show up and it ends up being my friend Michael, his wife Candace, Adam(somewhat friend), and Jessica(Adam's gf). From the get go it was just Adam, Jessica, and myself. On facebook Jessica made a joke about coming with bells on. So I showed up with bells haha. Even early on Jessica played with them a bit. Adam starts asking me about working out and supplements. Something easy for me to talk about open up a bit.As the night progress the rest of them started to drink particularly Adam and Jessica. More and more Adam was saying questionable things. Just things you dont say unless you want to piss your girlfriend off which it did. So Jessica is talking with me a bit. At one point we are inside her house alone and as we are going back outside she says she wants to ask me something. Then says something along the lines of nevermind it isnt a good idea. Later on Adam really pissed Jessica off and she asked me to dance. I decided that wasnt a good idea so I acted like I didnt realize she was talking to me.Eventually they made up. Then proceeded to wrestle around the bonfire. Made Michael and Candace very uncomfortable haha. After that we left.This was a month ago. Still wonder what Jessica was going to ask me. Probably doesnt even remember it anyway. Oh the magic of alcohol haha.Anyway point being I was 5'8" 230 muscle with a side of extra beef while Adam is taller and skinny(think soccer). In fact Jessica grabbed my arm and said something about how much muscle I had.


    Story time!I went to a bonfire thinking it would be a big group and I could meet new people(females). Show up and it ends up being my friend Michael, his wife Candace, Adam(somewhat friend), and Jessica(Adam's gf). From the get go it was just Adam, Jessica, and myself. On facebook Jessica made a joke about coming with bells on. So I showed up with bells haha. Even early on Jessica played with them a bit. Adam starts asking me about working out and supplements. Something easy for me to talk about open up a bit.As the night progress the rest of them started to drink particularly Adam and Jessica. More and more Adam was saying questionable things. Just things you dont say unless you want to piss your girlfriend off which it did. So Jessica is talking with me a bit. At one point we are inside her house alone and as we are going back outside she says she wants to ask me something. Then says something along the lines of nevermind it isnt a good idea. Later on Adam really pissed Jessica off and she asked me to dance. I decided that wasnt a good idea so I acted like I didnt realize she was talking to me.Eventually they made up. Then proceeded to wrestle around the bonfire. Made Michael and Candace very uncomfortable haha. After that we left.This was a month ago. Still wonder what Jessica was going to ask me. Probably doesnt even remember it anyway. Oh the magic of alcohol haha.Anyway point being I was 5'8" 230 muscle with a side of extra beef while Adam is taller and skinny(think soccer). In fact Jessica grabbed my arm and said something about how much muscle I had.




    Okay, so we conclude that women aren't getting too masculine, it's just that 90% of men lack work ethic?



    Okay, so we conclude that women aren't getting too masculine, it's just that 90% of men lack work ethic?




    Eh, almost all of the people around my age bracket (20-25) bore me to tears. If it's not drinking, clubbing, reality TV or which music festival they're “cutting” for it's some other inane dribble that has nothing to do with anything. Getting a stimulating conversation out of either gender my age is like getting blood from a stone....Then again I've been told several times I was born 50-100 years too late.


    Eh, almost all of the people around my age bracket (20-25) bore me to tears. If it's not drinking, clubbing, reality TV or which music festival they're "cutting" for it's some other inane dribble that has nothing to do with anything. Getting a stimulating conversation out of either gender my age is like getting blood from a stone....Then again I've been told several times I was born 50-100 years too late.

    This is so true. It's quite annoying, really.All of my friends tell me I'm the oldest 21 year old they've ever met.



    Story time!I went to a bonfire thinking it would be a big group and I could meet new people(females). Show up and it ends up being my friend Michael, his wife Candace, Adam(somewhat friend), and Jessica(Adam's gf). From the get go it was just Adam, Jessica, and myself. On facebook Jessica made a joke about coming with bells on. So I showed up with bells haha. Even early on Jessica played with them a bit. Adam starts asking me about working out and supplements. Something easy for me to talk about open up a bit.As the night progress the rest of them started to drink particularly Adam and Jessica. More and more Adam was saying questionable things. Just things you dont say unless you want to piss your girlfriend off which it did. So Jessica is talking with me a bit. At one point we are inside her house alone and as we are going back outside she says she wants to ask me something. Then says something along the lines of nevermind it isnt a good idea. Later on Adam really pissed Jessica off and she asked me to dance. I decided that wasnt a good idea so I acted like I didnt realize she was talking to me.Eventually they made up. Then proceeded to wrestle around the bonfire. Made Michael and Candace very uncomfortable haha. After that we left.This was a month ago. Still wonder what Jessica was going to ask me. Probably doesnt even remember it anyway. Oh the magic of alcohol haha.Anyway point being I was 5'8" 230 muscle with a side of extra beef while Adam is taller and skinny(think soccer). In fact Jessica grabbed my arm and said something about how much muscle I had.

    I thought this was going somewhere COMPLETELY different.


    Brandon D Christ

    Eh, almost all of the people around my age bracket (20-25) bore me to tears. If it's not drinking, clubbing, reality TV or which music festival they're "cutting" for it's some other inane dribble that has nothing to do with anything. Getting a stimulating conversation out of either gender my age is like getting blood from a stone....Then again I've been told several times I was born 50-100 years too late.

    This is so true. It's quite annoying, really.All of my friends tell me I'm the oldest 21 year old they've ever met.

    Thank god I am not the only one.  Luckily I have a few guy friends that are the same way, I just need to find some females like that.



    Yep. I'm also a 27 yr old living in a 22 yr old's body



    Story time!I went to a bonfire thinking it would be a big group and I could meet new people(females). Show up and it ends up being my friend Michael, his wife Candace, Adam(somewhat friend), and Jessica(Adam's gf). From the get go it was just Adam, Jessica, and myself. On facebook Jessica made a joke about coming with bells on. So I showed up with bells haha. Even early on Jessica played with them a bit. Adam starts asking me about working out and supplements. Something easy for me to talk about open up a bit.As the night progress the rest of them started to drink particularly Adam and Jessica. More and more Adam was saying questionable things. Just things you dont say unless you want to piss your girlfriend off which it did. So Jessica is talking with me a bit. At one point we are inside her house alone and as we are going back outside she says she wants to ask me something. Then says something along the lines of nevermind it isnt a good idea. Later on Adam really pissed Jessica off and she asked me to dance. I decided that wasnt a good idea so I acted like I didnt realize she was talking to me.Eventually they made up. Then proceeded to wrestle around the bonfire. Made Michael and Candace very uncomfortable haha. After that we left.This was a month ago. Still wonder what Jessica was going to ask me. Probably doesnt even remember it anyway. Oh the magic of alcohol haha.Anyway point being I was 5'8" 230 muscle with a side of extra beef while Adam is taller and skinny(think soccer). In fact Jessica grabbed my arm and said something about how much muscle I had.

    I thought this was going somewhere COMPLETELY different.

    think soccer- hahaha thats an awesome comparison. But yeah i was really hoping we were gonna get into some juicy details! cmon man!



    Haha sorry to disappoint guys. I was stone cold sober. Messing around with girls with bfs isnt my thing. I consider the guy enough of a friend. I do wonder what exactly was going on in her little head.

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Are Women Getting too Masculine?

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