Are Women Getting too Masculine?

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  • #102837


    Haha sorry to disappoint guys. I was stone cold sober. Messing around with girls with bfs isnt my thing. I consider the guy enough of a friend. I do wonder what exactly was going on in her little head.

    COCK!!  😮RB



    That about sums it up…



    Haha sorry to disappoint guys. I was stone cold sober. Messing around with girls with bfs isnt my thing. I consider the guy enough of a friend. I do wonder what exactly was going on in her little head.

    COCK!!  😮RB

    I was thing Eiffel tower action


    Okay, so we conclude that women aren't getting too masculine, it's just that 90% of men lack work ethic?

    They are lazy, and they are cowards.Cory


    Story time!I went to a bonfire thinking it would be a big group and I could meet new people(females). Show up and it ends up being my friend Michael, his wife Candace, Adam(somewhat friend), and Jessica(Adam's gf). From the get go it was just Adam, Jessica, and myself. On facebook Jessica made a joke about coming with bells on. So I showed up with bells haha. Even early on Jessica played with them a bit. Adam starts asking me about working out and supplements. Something easy for me to talk about open up a bit.As the night progress the rest of them started to drink particularly Adam and Jessica. More and more Adam was saying questionable things. Just things you dont say unless you want to piss your girlfriend off which it did. So Jessica is talking with me a bit. At one point we are inside her house alone and as we are going back outside she says she wants to ask me something. Then says something along the lines of nevermind it isnt a good idea. Later on Adam really pissed Jessica off and she asked me to dance. I decided that wasnt a good idea so I acted like I didnt realize she was talking to me.Eventually they made up. Then proceeded to wrestle around the bonfire. Made Michael and Candace very uncomfortable haha. After that we left.This was a month ago. Still wonder what Jessica was going to ask me. Probably doesnt even remember it anyway. Oh the magic of alcohol haha.Anyway point being I was 5'8" 230 muscle with a side of extra beef while Adam is taller and skinny(think soccer). In fact Jessica grabbed my arm and said something about how much muscle I had.

    I thought this was going somewhere COMPLETELY different.




    Well I have only been around her 3 times. Cant really say one time counted since she was plastered and it was just saying hi.She did ask me if I was going on the cruise with them(Adam, Michael, Candace, her, and maybe more). I guess she didnt realize it was a couples cruise haha.


    In my opinion the last decades of REAL men in prominence were the 40s, 50s and some of the 60s.Cory


    Brandon D Christ

    In my opinion the last decades of REAL men in prominence were the 40s, 50s and some of the 60s.Cory

    My roomate and I often talk about if our generation had fight a similiar war to WWII. 



    In my opinion the last decades of REAL men in prominence were the 40s, 50s and some of the 60s.Cory

    My roomate and I often talk about if our generation had fight a similiar war to WWII.

    I think back then, was real war. Nowadays, there are too many rules. EOF, ROE. You can hardly tell what the enemy looks like because of no distinguished uniform. Some people are even scared to pull the trigger because they can get in to trouble. I do think this generation is more focused on technology than anything else. The xbox generation, if you will. I also think that since our society is still all about gender roles and the view on women, for example women clean the house, take care of the kids, become nurses, teachers and men are the hard working, business men, construction workers, lawyers etc that our society portrays women as inferior and weaker than men. There is def inequality in our society and hell its throughout the world.If a man wants to be fat and lazy, that is his fault. People nowadays, def make me shake my head lol.but no.. to the question, I do not think women are getting too masculine. Hell I think fit women are attractive. Who doesn't. If a guy wants to not care about his body, like I said, who can he judge or anyone for that matter.



    Just a random bump/update. I want to get some progress pics. So I asked Jessica if she would help me and she seemed more than happy to. Last time I saw her I was coming off being sick. Now I am probably 15 pounds heavier and actually leaner. Thank you Kiefer for creating CBL haha.



    In my opinion the last decades of REAL men in prominence were the 40s, 50s and some of the 60s.Cory

    My roomate and I often talk about if our generation had fight a similiar war to WWII.

    We'd have a dick measuring contest on reddit about who would kill the most Nazis in theory, then lose the war and justify our failure with astonishing creativity. Then we'd just say it doesn't matter anyways, that we are above such petty nonsense like you know...winning.I both enjoy and hate the fact that men are complete pussies nowadays. It sets the bar very low for those of us who actually take care of ourselves, have a spine and some confidence, but at the same time it gives some women terrible attitudes when they are used to wimps sucking up to them just for being hot. How do you expect them to be compelled to be interesting human beings if guys devote their lives to being pathetic subservient losers around them? Geez, some guys I know have no shame but they always think they have a shot. They also happen to look like shit.


    Brandon D Christ

    In my opinion the last decades of REAL men in prominence were the 40s, 50s and some of the 60s.Cory

    My roomate and I often talk about if our generation had fight a similiar war to WWII.

    We'd have a dick measuring contest on reddit about who would kill the most Nazis in theory, then lose the war and justify our failure with astonishing creativity. Then we'd just say it doesn't matter anyways, that we are above such petty nonsense like you know...winning.I both enjoy and hate the fact that men are complete pussies nowadays. It sets the bar very low for those of us who actually take care of ourselves, have a spine and some confidence, but at the same time it gives some women terrible attitudes when they are used to wimps sucking up to them just for being hot. How do you expect them to be compelled to be interesting human beings if guys devote their lives to being pathetic subservient losers around them? Geez, some guys I know have no shame but they always think they have a shot. They also happen to look like shit.

    To be honest I don't know what type of guy women are attracted to.  I do think guys are wimps, but they aren't useful wimps that are good at math and science, they are assclowns who though they were born to very affluent families, dress like they are from Harlem.  They also don't do anything.  Maybe it's because I am from a blue collar background, but I don't get the obsession with fashion that so many guys have.  I don't get the hipster glasses and the flat brimmed hats turned sideways.


    Richard Schmitt

    I think the same Ibo. I see these freaking punks walk around, making an ass out of themselves. Saw this a lot in high school too. I couldn't understand it. Now I see these females that hooked up with these ass-clowns pregnant and the baby daddy had left. I could go on but it'll just piss me off more into a full-blown hatred rant…I was brought up a gentleman and a hard-worker. Back in high school it didn't seem to matter much to attract women. Now, it seems different. Because there is a plan, there is goals, and you're not a wimp or afraid to do anything. Be yourself and don't change for anyone. These "bros" you see in the gym that act fucking stupid act the same damn way outside the gym. No respect and wanna be Bieber ass-clowns. That "standard" men were suppose to uphold is long gone in past generations, it's the few that can make a difference or show those "standards". We have to keep it going, because if not the world will go to shit and we'll have weak ass-clowns roaming around. As much as I enjoy the opposite sex, I like to keep myself accountable and uphold "men's standards".


    In my opinion the last decades of REAL men in prominence were the 40s, 50s and some of the 60s.Cory

    My roomate and I often talk about if our generation had fight a similiar war to WWII.

    We'd have a dick measuring contest on reddit about who would kill the most Nazis in theory, then lose the war and justify our failure with astonishing creativity. Then we'd just say it doesn't matter anyways, that we are above such petty nonsense like you know...winning.I both enjoy and hate the fact that men are complete pussies nowadays. It sets the bar very low for those of us who actually take care of ourselves, have a spine and some confidence, but at the same time it gives some women terrible attitudes when they are used to wimps sucking up to them just for being hot. How do you expect them to be compelled to be interesting human beings if guys devote their lives to being pathetic subservient losers around them? Geez, some guys I know have no shame but they always think they have a shot. They also happen to look like shit.

    To be honest I don't know what type of guy women are attracted to.  I do think guys are wimps, but they aren't useful wimps that are good at math and science, they are assclowns who though they were born to very affluent families, dress like they are from Harlem.  They also don't do anything.  Maybe it's because I am from a blue collar background, but I don't get the obsession with fashion that so many guys have.  I don't get the hipster glasses and the flat brimmed hats turned sideways.

    Varies.  Aesthetics vary.  While there are "conventionally attractive" people, who are considered pretty much universally "good-looking", aesthetics do vary... from person-to-person, age-to-age and culture-to-culture.My advice:  take care of yourself, look the best you can (whatever "best" is in your eyes).  Be the best person you can, and be genuine.  Keep a good attitude.  Work hard.  Be motivated and driven.  BE YOURSELF, but make that someone others would aspire to be like (so, set a good, unique example).  You do these things, and you will stand out from more than 90%+ of "men" today.  Even if that doesn't get you the girl, it will get you dignity and respect.  Better yourself for you, first and foremost.  The rest will follow, if you want it to.Cory


    Brandon D Christ

    In my opinion the last decades of REAL men in prominence were the 40s, 50s and some of the 60s.Cory

    My roomate and I often talk about if our generation had fight a similiar war to WWII.

    We'd have a dick measuring contest on reddit about who would kill the most Nazis in theory, then lose the war and justify our failure with astonishing creativity. Then we'd just say it doesn't matter anyways, that we are above such petty nonsense like you know...winning.I both enjoy and hate the fact that men are complete pussies nowadays. It sets the bar very low for those of us who actually take care of ourselves, have a spine and some confidence, but at the same time it gives some women terrible attitudes when they are used to wimps sucking up to them just for being hot. How do you expect them to be compelled to be interesting human beings if guys devote their lives to being pathetic subservient losers around them? Geez, some guys I know have no shame but they always think they have a shot. They also happen to look like shit.

    To be honest I don't know what type of guy women are attracted to.  I do think guys are wimps, but they aren't useful wimps that are good at math and science, they are assclowns who though they were born to very affluent families, dress like they are from Harlem.  They also don't do anything.  Maybe it's because I am from a blue collar background, but I don't get the obsession with fashion that so many guys have.  I don't get the hipster glasses and the flat brimmed hats turned sideways.

    Varies.  Aesthetics vary.  While there are "conventionally attractive" people, who are considered pretty much universally "good-looking", aesthetics do vary... from person-to-person, age-to-age and culture-to-culture.My advice:  take care of yourself, look the best you can (whatever "best" is in your eyes).  Be the best person you can, and be genuine.  Keep a good attitude.  Work hard.  Be motivated and driven.  BE YOURSELF, but make that someone others would aspire to be like (so, set a good, unique example).  You do these things, and you will stand out from more than 90%+ of "men" today.  Even if that doesn't get you the girl, it will get you dignity and respect.  Better yourself for you, first and foremost.  The rest will follow, if you want it to.Cory

    I would love to have a drink with you and I hate drinking!

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Are Women Getting too Masculine?

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