Are Women Getting too Masculine?

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    In my opinion the last decades of REAL men in prominence were the 40s, 50s and some of the 60s.Cory

    My roomate and I often talk about if our generation had fight a similiar war to WWII.

    We'd have a dick measuring contest on reddit about who would kill the most Nazis in theory, then lose the war and justify our failure with astonishing creativity. Then we'd just say it doesn't matter anyways, that we are above such petty nonsense like you know...winning.I both enjoy and hate the fact that men are complete pussies nowadays. It sets the bar very low for those of us who actually take care of ourselves, have a spine and some confidence, but at the same time it gives some women terrible attitudes when they are used to wimps sucking up to them just for being hot. How do you expect them to be compelled to be interesting human beings if guys devote their lives to being pathetic subservient losers around them? Geez, some guys I know have no shame but they always think they have a shot. They also happen to look like shit.

    Don't worry SM 🙂 those of us who are compelled to make something of ourselves are driven regardless of whether men suck up to us or not 😉



    In my opinion the last decades of REAL men in prominence were the 40s, 50s and some of the 60s.Cory

    My roomate and I often talk about if our generation had fight a similiar war to WWII.

    We'd have a dick measuring contest on reddit about who would kill the most Nazis in theory, then lose the war and justify our failure with astonishing creativity. Then we'd just say it doesn't matter anyways, that we are above such petty nonsense like you know...winning.I both enjoy and hate the fact that men are complete pussies nowadays. It sets the bar very low for those of us who actually take care of ourselves, have a spine and some confidence, but at the same time it gives some women terrible attitudes when they are used to wimps sucking up to them just for being hot. How do you expect them to be compelled to be interesting human beings if guys devote their lives to being pathetic subservient losers around them? Geez, some guys I know have no shame but they always think they have a shot. They also happen to look like shit.

    To be honest I don't know what type of guy women are attracted to.  I do think guys are wimps, but they aren't useful wimps that are good at math and science, they are assclowns who though they were born to very affluent families, dress like they are from Harlem.  They also don't do anything.  Maybe it's because I am from a blue collar background, but I don't get the obsession with fashion that so many guys have.  I don't get the hipster glasses and the flat brimmed hats turned sideways.

    It's very simple Ibo. The people born into poor families want to look rich (hence the bling). The people born into rich families don't want to look like ponces. Hence the attempt to look ghetto.


    Brandon D Christ

    In my opinion the last decades of REAL men in prominence were the 40s, 50s and some of the 60s.Cory

    My roomate and I often talk about if our generation had fight a similiar war to WWII.

    We'd have a dick measuring contest on reddit about who would kill the most Nazis in theory, then lose the war and justify our failure with astonishing creativity. Then we'd just say it doesn't matter anyways, that we are above such petty nonsense like you know...winning.I both enjoy and hate the fact that men are complete pussies nowadays. It sets the bar very low for those of us who actually take care of ourselves, have a spine and some confidence, but at the same time it gives some women terrible attitudes when they are used to wimps sucking up to them just for being hot. How do you expect them to be compelled to be interesting human beings if guys devote their lives to being pathetic subservient losers around them? Geez, some guys I know have no shame but they always think they have a shot. They also happen to look like shit.

    To be honest I don't know what type of guy women are attracted to.  I do think guys are wimps, but they aren't useful wimps that are good at math and science, they are assclowns who though they were born to very affluent families, dress like they are from Harlem.  They also don't do anything.  Maybe it's because I am from a blue collar background, but I don't get the obsession with fashion that so many guys have.  I don't get the hipster glasses and the flat brimmed hats turned sideways.

    It's very simple Ibo. The people born into poor families want to look rich (hence the bling). The people born into rich families don't want to look like ponces. Hence the attempt to look ghetto.

    Haha yea I guess it makes sense.  I never got why people that are rich pretend like they were poor at one point.  What is wrong with being from an affluent family?  I was not, but I wish I was.


    In my opinion the last decades of REAL men in prominence were the 40s, 50s and some of the 60s.Cory

    My roomate and I often talk about if our generation had fight a similiar war to WWII.

    We'd have a dick measuring contest on reddit about who would kill the most Nazis in theory, then lose the war and justify our failure with astonishing creativity. Then we'd just say it doesn't matter anyways, that we are above such petty nonsense like you know...winning.I both enjoy and hate the fact that men are complete pussies nowadays. It sets the bar very low for those of us who actually take care of ourselves, have a spine and some confidence, but at the same time it gives some women terrible attitudes when they are used to wimps sucking up to them just for being hot. How do you expect them to be compelled to be interesting human beings if guys devote their lives to being pathetic subservient losers around them? Geez, some guys I know have no shame but they always think they have a shot. They also happen to look like shit.

    To be honest I don't know what type of guy women are attracted to.  I do think guys are wimps, but they aren't useful wimps that are good at math and science, they are assclowns who though they were born to very affluent families, dress like they are from Harlem.  They also don't do anything.  Maybe it's because I am from a blue collar background, but I don't get the obsession with fashion that so many guys have.  I don't get the hipster glasses and the flat brimmed hats turned sideways.

    Varies.  Aesthetics vary.  While there are "conventionally attractive" people, who are considered pretty much universally "good-looking", aesthetics do vary... from person-to-person, age-to-age and culture-to-culture.My advice:  take care of yourself, look the best you can (whatever "best" is in your eyes).  Be the best person you can, and be genuine.  Keep a good attitude.  Work hard.  Be motivated and driven.  BE YOURSELF, but make that someone others would aspire to be like (so, set a good, unique example).  You do these things, and you will stand out from more than 90%+ of "men" today.  Even if that doesn't get you the girl, it will get you dignity and respect.  Better yourself for you, first and foremost.  The rest will follow, if you want it to.Cory

    I would love to have a drink with you and I hate drinking!

    LOL... I don't drink alcohol, period.  Coffee or tea would suffice.Cory


    Brandon D Christ

    In my opinion the last decades of REAL men in prominence were the 40s, 50s and some of the 60s.Cory

    My roomate and I often talk about if our generation had fight a similiar war to WWII.

    We'd have a dick measuring contest on reddit about who would kill the most Nazis in theory, then lose the war and justify our failure with astonishing creativity. Then we'd just say it doesn't matter anyways, that we are above such petty nonsense like you know...winning.I both enjoy and hate the fact that men are complete pussies nowadays. It sets the bar very low for those of us who actually take care of ourselves, have a spine and some confidence, but at the same time it gives some women terrible attitudes when they are used to wimps sucking up to them just for being hot. How do you expect them to be compelled to be interesting human beings if guys devote their lives to being pathetic subservient losers around them? Geez, some guys I know have no shame but they always think they have a shot. They also happen to look like shit.

    To be honest I don't know what type of guy women are attracted to.  I do think guys are wimps, but they aren't useful wimps that are good at math and science, they are assclowns who though they were born to very affluent families, dress like they are from Harlem.  They also don't do anything.  Maybe it's because I am from a blue collar background, but I don't get the obsession with fashion that so many guys have.  I don't get the hipster glasses and the flat brimmed hats turned sideways.

    Varies.  Aesthetics vary.  While there are "conventionally attractive" people, who are considered pretty much universally "good-looking", aesthetics do vary... from person-to-person, age-to-age and culture-to-culture.My advice:  take care of yourself, look the best you can (whatever "best" is in your eyes).  Be the best person you can, and be genuine.  Keep a good attitude.  Work hard.  Be motivated and driven.  BE YOURSELF, but make that someone others would aspire to be like (so, set a good, unique example).  You do these things, and you will stand out from more than 90%+ of "men" today.  Even if that doesn't get you the girl, it will get you dignity and respect.  Better yourself for you, first and foremost.  The rest will follow, if you want it to.Cory

    I would love to have a drink with you and I hate drinking!

    LOL... I don't drink alcohol, period.  Coffee or tea would suffice.Cory

    Well good because I love coffee.


    I would love to have a drink with you and I hate drinking!

    LOL... I don't drink alcohol, period.  Coffee or tea would suffice.Cory

    Well good because I love coffee.

    Awesome, hit me up if you're in NYC anytime.Cory



    Im new here, and new to this 8 page topic, but wanted to give a couple of quick opinions. Women too masuline... I dont think so. I think women, as well as men, are getting alot more versatile. Gone are the days when men changed oil and women changed diapers. I change oil, and diapers, on the same day! My wife can cook, clean, but she also built a huge fancy deck on our house last year, and has her learners permit to drive my semi truck. My wife was once in the top 100 in Canada for swimming and got offered a scholarship to the U of C to be on their swim team. She is by no means masculine, but has a ton of great qualities that she has surpassed most men with. I dont view versatility and success in a variety of things, physical or mental as being more masculine. On the flip side, I am a real mans kinda man. I do all the stereotypical man type stuff (build things, fix things etc.), but have learned over the years to sew, cook fancy type things, bake, etc. Versatility is where its at. Regarding what the opposite sex is attracted too...Ive always thought it was all about attitude. Im just a normal looking guy, and have had great success with the opposite sex with just being who I am. I can sure be an ass too lol. Once a person can get past the fact that the best people out there really dont care how you look physically (within reason of course!)Ive dated many women in the past, and the ugliest women, were always the prettiest to look at.



    Interesting take Preppy 🙂 Welcome to the forums.



    Jessica(aka story time girl) is coming over tomorrow morning at 7am to take pictures of me shirtless.


    Brandon D Christ

    Jessica(aka story time girl) is coming over tomorrow morning at 7am to take pictures of me shirtless.

    What?  Is she a photographer or something?



    Jessica(aka story time girl) is coming over tomorrow morning at 7am to take pictures of me shirtless.

    What?  Is she a photographer or something?

    I feel like this is going somewhere bad



    How can anything bad come of topless photos…?



    How can anything bad come of topless photos...?



    Looks like they're having a great time 🙂


    How can anything bad come of topless photos...?

    I am afraid to click this at work.Cory

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Are Women Getting too Masculine?

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