Article says Cocanut oil isn’t all it’s made up to be…

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  • #11954

    Rob Haas

    Jenelle Brewer

    Are you looking for someone to say this article is crap?{raises hand} 😉


    mr a j dickinson

    I stopped reading when he started banging on about eating more healthy fats from nuts and oils. haha


    Brandon D Christ

    I don't agree with the article, however, I never understood why people act like coconut oil is some magical food.  Sure there are health benefits, but the same could be said of any food.  That being said:

    That's not to say that it won't help, but I am yet to find any solid evidence convincing me it should be used over other fats I know are healthy.

    Apparently the author knows that nut oils and olive oils are healthy.  He reveals his bias and his lack of scientific training.


    Rob Haas

    I actually have found the source study but found it was flawed. Only on the internet….



    Plus, according to this article, coconut oil was the original sunscreen!

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Article says Cocanut oil isn’t all it’s made up to be…

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