Backloads into carb nites (Honesty people)

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    Ok I'm curious how many of you have a backload that accidentally turns into a carb nite! (Overindulge on the carbohydrates) and if so…how often? Just curious, as I have given in once already!!!!But it felt so right!


    Richard Schmitt

    Uh…like going 6 hours instead of 2-4? Never but as long as you get enough food it shouldn't matter



    Always under 4 hours but the amount of food put away is safe to say it could be a carn night



    Always under 4 hours but the amount of food put away is safe to say it could be a carn night

    Haha, definitely 😀



    Always under 4 hours but the amount of food put away is safe to say it could be a carn night

    Haha, definitely 😀

    yeah put it this way, i would not be taking a girl out for a date on my Carb night, its disgusting lol


    Ok I'm curious how many of you have a backload that accidentally turns into a carb nite! (Overindulge on the carbohydrates) and if often? Just curious, as I have given in once already!!!!But it felt so right!

    I have bigger backloads when on days I workout and have a big work planned the next day. Nothing has turned into a CN for me. I like controlled eating more and I think when people have a problem with eating too much carbs they are better off on CNS.



    What's the difference sorry, between a Carb Nite and a Backload?



    What's the difference sorry, between a Carb Nite and a Backload?

    CN is generally longer 8 hours or so and more carbs once a week.. BL is generally 2-4s hours and done more frequently

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Backloads into carb nites (Honesty people)

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