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    Hello!I'm on Day 3 of Prep Phase for back loading and I know that I need to keep my carbs to a minimum and fat to protein 1:1.. Today the only way I could get my protein and fat 1:1 was if I ate an entire 16 oz package of bacon tonight after 1/2 lb of bacon this afternoon.. so here's the question... Is there such a thing as too much bacon in prep phase? Lol.This feels SO unhealthy as all I'm eating is basically eggs, bacon, butter, and cream cheese. Oh and coconut oil coffe and heavy cream. Am I doing this right? I feel like I'm doing what it takes to become a fatty, quite frankly.


    Richard Schmitt

    Haha no! No such thing as too much bacon!! >=] you're getting concept! Whoo!



    Okay good… It's funny because before this, and all my life, ive been a boneless skinless chicken breast with brocolli girl, and I've always thought cheese and bacon was close to the Antichrist. So in my family, thats been my reputation.. the health nut. Well, my Dad walked in on me today whilst I was eating a ton of bacon and eggs and cheese and the look he gave me was priceless… Lol…Why does it have to be 1:1 and this way of eating? Like, for example, why is animal fat better than nuts and nut butters?



    Okay good... It's funny because before this, and all my life, ive been a boneless skinless chicken breast with brocolli girl, and I've always thought cheese and bacon was close to the Antichrist. So in my family, thats been my reputation.. the health nut. Well, my Dad walked in on me today whilst I was eating a ton of bacon and eggs and cheese and the look he gave me was priceless... Lol...Why does it have to be 1:1 and this way of eating? Like, for example, why is animal fat better than nuts and nut butters?

    Lots of carbs in nuts and nut butters, easy to over eat for most people. Also, there is research that says animal fats may actually be better for you than vegetable fats. And it seems most people on the site just get the best results this way.



    I started a similar topic about high fat foods looking for tips because there are very few meats at a 1:1 or better ratio.  Other cuts to look into besides bacon are all types of ribs(especially beef short rib and pork spare ribs), pork belly(almost same as bacon), 80:20 GRASS FED beef, and pork shoulder.  I usually do one of these very fatty types of meat, a few slices of cheese or an avocado, and a veggie(spinach soaks up fat very well) fried in tons of butter/coconut oil/left over bacon grease.Hope this helps!


    Where is IronFreakShow with his 10lbs of bacon when you need him?



    –Try making your own ghee from the best grass-fed butter you can get your hands on, and then cook the meat in that, and pour the leftover melted ghee into a bowl for dipping with the meat.  It's really good.-Adam


    Richard Schmitt

    Where is IronFreakShow with his 10lbs of bacon when you need him?

    Haha no kidding! Animal fats are y'alls friend! Avocados should be taken in moderation, nuts and avocados and canned tuna and plant fats cause inflammation and really do not do the body good if made the main source for fat intake. Minor uses can be ok not everyday.





    I've been eating bacon, almonds, honey roasted peanuts, cheese sticks, sometimes tuna and whatever other meat i can find before training and on off days. So is eating tuna and nuts is a bad idea? Does anyone have any other suggestions for snacks or quick foods that would be good for training and off days?


    Igor Vidovic

    What I've done recently is get 2 lbs of 80/20 beef and 2 lbs of bacon and have the butcher grind them together then make patties out of that with some finely chopped jalapeño in it. Omg is it good. Oh and always have some bacon on the side with those patties

    training log



    What I've done recently is get 2 lbs of 80/20 beef and 2 lbs of bacon and have the butcher grind them together then make patties out of that with some finely chopped jalapeño in it. Omg is it good. Oh and always have some bacon on the side with those patties

    That sounds like money!  How about trying ground pork though...we used to have that sort of mixture in a cornbread stuffing mixture for Thanksgiving, but the best part was the actual meat from the mixture.  Pork + beef = Pure Awesomeness!Anybody eating chicken wings as a basic meal?  That's what I get for lunch somedays.  Salad and about 6-8 chicken wings.  Sometimes I miss being in South Korea, they have a pork product, kinda like a ham that is absolutely awesome pan fried.  As long as you get the little more expensive products it was great.  The cheap stuff was horrible though...tasted like scrapple.  No offense to the scrapple lovers out there. 😛



    What I've done recently is get 2 lbs of 80/20 beef and 2 lbs of bacon and have the butcher grind them together then make patties out of that with some finely chopped jalapeño in it. Omg is it good. Oh and always have some bacon on the side with those patties

    Ugggggh. Currently fasting and this is NOT helping.



    Chicken wings sounds like a GREAT option… honestly, by the end of yesterday, I felt sick to my stomach. I have a very touchy one, so all of the bacon and beef did not help it. But chicken wings and eggs and coconut oil will be my mainstays today. We will se how it goes.. JUST GET THAT FAT ABOVE PROTEIN!!! Right? 🙂


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