A couple of days ago I started developing symptoms of some type of urinary track disorder. I leave to go have an ultrasound, to check for Kidney Stones, in about an hour. I started running a fever of 100 - 101 Tuesday morning at about 8:00. I went to the doctor yesterday and started an antibiotic last evening. This morning around six my temperature was still a little elevated, but it has been normal now for the past few hours. Now on to my question. Temperature is heat, heat is energy, and energy is calories, so I would think when someone has a fever they are burning more calories than normal, but what kind of calories? My last Carb Nite was Sunday and after two very hard workouts I am pretty sure I was back to using fat for energy when I started running a temperature. But, would having an elevated temperature also cause muscle loss? If so, would it have been beneficial to take extra BCAA's during this time to try and reduce or eliminate this loss? This is an out of the box question I know, but after working so hard I really don't want anything to set me back.