BCAAs while on CNS

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    I've tried several protocols in the past, one being Leangains. One of the common denominators among them was BCAAs to prevent muscle canabalism. Im currently on CNS and in a caloric deficit to strip some fat. It appears L-Leucine is frowned upon outside the PWO window due to insulin spike. So with no BCAA sipping throughout the day, what other measures are available to prevent the body from going into a catabolic state? Thank you all in advance!


    Eat plenty of fat. Ketones are muscle sparing, never let your percentage of fat intake be under 50, upwards of 70% is likely better.



    Thanks for your reply!So a morning fasted workout (i.e. without fats) may create a catabolic environment?


    Thanks for your reply!So a morning fasted workout (i.e. without fats) may create a catabolic environment?

    Catabolism isn't always bad.Catabolism breaks down fat tissue.What kind of cardio? If it's just easy walking don't worry about it at all, if it's HIIT that have a PWO shake with whey iso (hydro would be best), leucine, and maybe some MCT oil.



    I'm doing the Shockwave protocol in the A.M while fasted. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk 4


    I'm doing the Shockwave protocol in the A.M while fasted. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk 4

    So lifting? Have a ULC PWO shake afterwards.Or if your goal is to gain muscle, add in 20-30g of carbs.



    Again, thank you for the responses  🙂


    Brian M Eckstrom

    i was just scrolling through posts and found this.there was a recent study done that found ingesting BCAA's basically catapults the body into a gluconeogenic state. sorry don't have a link.who would have thought that ingesting what is basically predigested protein would make the body want to digest protein? sarcasm. personally never been a fan of these things, before or after this study, always seemed like more of a placebo than anything else. looks like a placebo would be better for you lol.

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BCAAs while on CNS

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