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  • #1589

    Lasse Elsbak

    Beard-leucine  [beerd ˈluːsiːn]noun   1. The residue left in your beard when ingesting a spoonful of leucine. Thought by many ancient cultures to make your beard stronger and shinier. This was later proven to be fact (Draugluir et al. 2012).Chemical formula C6 H13 NO2. Shown to stimulate beardiness via the fTOR (facialhairian target of rapamyacin).



    This happens to me all the time. It's usually associated with beard creatine.



    Beard-leucine  [beerd ˈluːsiːn]noun   1. The residue left in your beard when ingesting a spoonful of leucine. Thought by many ancient cultures to make your beard stronger and shinier. This was later proven to be fact (Draugluir et al. 2012).Chemical formula C6 H13 NO2. Shown to stimulate beardiness via the fTOR (facialhairian target of rapamyacin).

    Wow.  You take the stuff straight?  Maybe its just the brand I use but it smells/tastes like a wet dog.


    Lasse Elsbak

    This happens to me all the time. It's usually associated with beard creatine.

    Yup! 😀

    Wow.  You take the stuff straight?  Maybe its just the brand I use but it smells/tastes like a wet dog.

    Mine is just a little bitter. The worst thing about it is that the powder is very fine, so if you breathe with your mouth, the entire kitchen is covered in shiny powder.


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