Been 3 months now and CN is done for me!

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    ๐Ÿ˜€Heyyyy guys!So it's been 3 months minus the 2 weeks I was on vacation and ate like a fat kid at a candy store. I am continuing to eat extremely clean (I dont think most people can be as strict, I am crazy when it comes to food now) and going to the gym 5 times a week and lifting heavy. It's been a crazy journey but I am totally happy with my achievements!Here is my before pic from mid January 2013- and the other one is actually from today April 2013.Boom!



    Amazing. Results. What's yr plan now? Modified CN? CBL?Keep up the good work. Becomes so much easier to stick to as a lifestyle.


    Jesus Christ, I mean this in as respectable way as possible, but you look killer. I really appreciate you putting these up those, hopefully people will bitch less about the diet not working.


    Richard Schmitt

    Jesus Christ, I mean this in as respectable way as possible, but you look killer. I really appreciate you putting these up those, hopefully people will bitch less about the diet not working.

    +1...Looking absolutely amazing



    Great job, you look killer  ๐Ÿ˜›



    Jesus Christ, I mean this in as respectable way as possible, but you look killer. I really appreciate you putting these up those, hopefully people will bitch less about the diet not working.

    Im "detoxing" for the next 10 days since I ate anything I wanted on vacation for 2 weeks, then after that I'll be doing carb back loading. Now that I am at where I want to be I want to continue building lean muscle ๐Ÿ™‚



    Jesus Christ, I mean this in as respectable way as possible, but you look killer. I really appreciate you putting these up those, hopefully people will bitch less about the diet not working.

    +1...Looking absolutely amazing

    hahaha thank you! Yes it does work.. the problem is MOST people don't stick to the plan and decrease carb intake as much as possible- also, going hard at the gym 5 days a week is essential to speed up the process.


    Brandon D Christ

    Once again great results.



    hahaha thank you! Yes it does work.. the problem is MOST people don't stick to the plan and decrease carb intake as much as possible- also, going hard at the gym 5 days a week is essential to speed up the process.

    Thank god somebody gets it.  I think some people don't understand what "going hard" at the gym means and that's why they stall.Congrats on the results.


    Brandon D Christ

    Well exercising isn't required for the diet to work.  I think most people stall because they either overcomplicate things, overeat, or they aren't strict enough.



    Well exercising isn't required for the diet to work.  I think most people stall because they either overcomplicate things, overeat, or they aren't strict enough.

    I agree. People REALLY overcomplicate things. It is probably thee most simple diet to follow. People often ask me about macros, and measurements and this and that.. its all jibberish to me, just eat extremely clean, keep your food simple and work out and you're half way there.


    Brandon D Christ

    Well exercising isn't required for the diet to work.  I think most people stall because they either overcomplicate things, overeat, or they aren't strict enough.

    I agree. People REALLY overcomplicate things. It is probably thee most simple diet to follow. People often ask me about macros, and measurements and this and that.. its all jibberish to me, just eat extremely clean, keep your food simple and work out and you're half way there.

    Yea I never count shit on Carb Nite.  You don't have to, it's an extremely simple diet.  My Carb Nites are dirty as hell though.  I think guys can get away with that.



    Well exercising isn't required for the diet to work.  I think most people stall because they either overcomplicate things, overeat, or they aren't strict enough.

    I agree. People REALLY overcomplicate things. It is probably thee most simple diet to follow. People often ask me about macros, and measurements and this and that.. its all jibberish to me, just eat extremely clean, keep your food simple and work out and you're half way there.

    Yea I never count shit on Carb Nite.  You don't have to, it's an extremely simple diet.  My Carb Nites are dirty as hell though.  I think guys can get away with that.

    Oh yeah.. I have extremely clean carb nites, usually sushi! Nothing deep fried or too dirty! Although I crave it.



    Oh my god, you look fabulous!! Very inspiring, well done!!



    Congrats you keep amazing me. Keep us up to date on pics. Definitely showing others just how great these protocols can work.

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Been 3 months now and CN is done for me!

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