Bench Press Overrated

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    I feel like the bench press is an overrated chest exercise. Thoughts?



    I think bench is overrated compared to squats and deadlifts, but when talking specifically about chest development, what else ya got? cable crossovers?



    I definitely think the bench press (and all its variants) is the king of chest building exercises. The caveat is that in order for it be effective it absolutely MUST be performed with proper technique. Otherwise my compadre's suggestion of cable crossovers would probably just as effective.



    Ring flyes, Band or cable presses, feet close one-arm pushups, dips. Most of my experience through bench press has been through dumbbells with various grips. When I have done incline I have used just a slight incline. I like to take somewhat of a minimalist approach to my training too. Any advice?



    The key is activation, so robhally is spot-on here. You can turn bench into a powerful chest builder but your form needs to be perfect and not what most people consider conventional. The elbows need to stay wide and the bar needs to come to the collar bone, back arched, ass planted and feet firmly placed on the floor. Mind you, this is the best way to build the pecs, not develop a record-smashing bench press.Now, is it the king? For my money, if I was allowed only one "chest" movement for the rest of my life and still want full, massive pecs, I'd go with weighted dips.



    I like bench… if for no other reason because it's easy to impress people with (no one asks “how much ya squat?”).



    Two things:There are variations of the movement that provide better pec activiation, Dumbbells hands at 45 degrees. Obviously everyone is different based on their arm length and how much benefit they can derive from the movement.The prime movement for the pec to to bring the arm across the front of the body. I, as well as many, have seen more development from seated machine flys than any horizontal pressing.Of course to each his own and if you can gain activation from either or both, do em.



    The bench press is definitely overrated imho. For me personally, benching always kills my shoulders, no matter how perfect the form and how small the weight used, and I don't get a good contraction out of my pecs. I think that for many people there are way better exercises for pec development (dumbell presses, dips, machines..) and that too many just do flat benches because they think they have to or in order to show off how much weight they can move. Lots of guys just bench without actually feeling the pecs do the work which is, in my opinion, way more important than just moving heavy weights. I like smith machine incline presses though, and sometimes also incorporate some declines..



    I guess I'm just partial to the bench press because I'm concerned more with powerlifting than bodybuilding. I'd rather focus on strength than size since I'm younger and can handle the heavy weights. As I get older I'll probably lean more towards bodybuilding focused exercises, but for now the bench is a staple to my training regimen.


    Naomi Most

    I like benching because it's a good way to rest at the end of a workout full of more important lifts.  😀



    I like benching because it's a good way to rest at the end of a workout full of more important lifts.  😀

    Hilarious.Maybe even bang out a few crunches on the bench at the end of your set.



    Dumbbell bench press is overrated too.



        HERETIC! Actually, I do agree that the alternative exercises you mentioned are definitely effective.  I had never tried ring flyes until last year and was suprised by how hard they were.



    Too me the bench has seemed to be more of a strength exercise than a aesthetic movement. It incorporates too much to really focus in building one muscle.



    I'd say that modifying the bench into an incline or decline variation is more effective for aesthetics than a flat bench.  I definitely think I got more out of inclines but that is not based on anything other than my own experience.

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Bench Press Overrated

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