Why do most of you use True Nation ? It looks like I may save a little. I just want 5 lbs. of vanilla ISO as good tasting as ISO 100 Dymatize vanilla . And where do you find a deal on creatine and luciene?
yea same.. ends up being to much compared to what i can get off amazon and since I have prime I get most my stuff from there.. or sometimes bb.com or nutraplanet if they have a good sale
Yeah while their proteins and such are amazing, the shipping is upsetting. I like using Dymatize products personally as well. With certain specials I get it cheap and free shipping.
Yeah while their proteins and such are amazing, the shipping is upsetting. I like using Dymatize products personally as well. With certain specials I get it cheap and free shipping.
dymatize is good i like the taste of their ISO 100 brand a lot
OK if I order True Nutrition the whey isolate cold filtration ( vanilla unsweetened ) ( no additives) (add stevia) is it going to taste good ? I aint no pharmacist . why so many options