Best Paleo/Primal Book

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    What is everyone's opinion on the best (however you want to define it) paleo/primal book available. I'm really not sure the difference between the too and I don't want to look it up. Thanks!



    Honestly either Robb Wolf's Paleo Solution or Mark Sisson's Primal Blueprint are two quality choices. Both are worth the money and packed full of quality info. Just my two cents.




    Cool thanks. I've been working on the timing of eating (and not eating) as well as the macronutrient makeup of the food. I'm thinking about moving away from packaged food.



    Robb Wolf's book is great for pure paleo, and easy to read while still getting great info. The Paleo Answer is another great one, but a little more wordy. In other words if you geek out on science get paleo answer. If you or someone you know is just on the fence and you wanna nudge them in the right direction without putting them to sleep give them paleo solution by robb wolf. Another book I suggest is "the dark side of fat loss" by Sean Croxton, he follows paleo, but goes into great detail about many things such as stress, hormones, digestion, and all kinds of lifestyle factors that are easily as important.



    I haven't gone through all of the reading yet, mainly Mark Sissons, but can someone explain the quick and dirty difference between primal and paleo? Thanks.



    I haven't gone through all of the reading yet, mainly Mark Sissons, but can someone explain the quick and dirty difference between primal and paleo? Thanks.

    Generally speaking, 'primal' tends to allow more dairy foods (heavy cream, butter, some cheese, etc).  But more often you'll find 'paleo' people eating that way as long as they tolerate it and/or the products are raw and sourced well (grass fed and pastured).I tend to think primal = paleo but with a Mark Sisson flair.  Less structured exercise, a bigger emphasis on play/recreation, generally he speaks about a more balanced approach.  Paleo does encompass the same things, but they tend to be spoken about less often.Hopefully that's more helpful than confusing  :-

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Best Paleo/Primal Book

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