Best way to break 12hr fast.

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    Luis S.

    So for the last couple months I've just used coffee with HWC and coconut oil to break the 12hour fast, and then when i have some time get my first meal in, which in a lot of cases is much later. My concern is that the coco oil and HWC isn't enough to completely break down the fast, and that i might be doing some harm to my body. Ive read some threads on here and everyone seems to have a completely different understanding on this subject, so i would like to hear what the general consensus is.


    Brandon D Christ

    So for the last couple months I've just used coffee with HWC and coconut oil to break the 12hour fast, and then when i have some time get my first meal in, which in a lot of cases is much later. My concern is that the coco oil and HWC isn't enough to completely break down the fast, and that i might be doing some harm to my body. Ive read some threads on here and everyone seems to have a completely different understanding on this subject, so i would like to hear what the general consensus is.

    Have a fat and protein meal.  If the 12 hour comes between 7 - 9:30 in the morning, just eat at 10.


    Richard Schmitt

    Nothing is really set in stone for what to have at the 12 hour mark. Like Ibo said, have the fatty protein meal a while after waking. That will break the fast for sure. The coffee and coconut oil helps provide energy in the mornings, keeping fat burning engines running. If you honestly feel you need a meal at the earliest (10am) and your last meal was 8/9pm then you'll be fine with you want/need.


    Luis S.

    Thanks guys, figured i had been screwing up this whole time.  >:( Hopefully this is where my problem was.

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Best way to break 12hr fast.

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