Bioforce HRV vs emWave2

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    Hey all,So I've been mulling over the idea of purchasing one(or both) of these products. I understand that they are radically different in their intended use, but, correct me if I'm wrong, they also both work off of one's Heart Rate Variability.Note: For those of you who don't know what the emWave2 is, here are some links: the BioforceHRV it seems like it's a snapshot of your HRV and you make a decision based on that reading, whereas with the emWave2, and this could be where I'm confused, it gives you that snapshot but then also helps you to improve it(your HRV that is). On the emWave2 page it says, "...learning to change your heart rhythm pattern to create coherence;...". This change I'm assuming is done within several minutes(training they call it). Is this change actually measured via heart rate variability or some other method? Update: Dave Asprey says this in the third link, "Spending at least ten minutes every day working with your heart rate variability is transformative." So it does seem as though one's HRV can be manipulated, almost at will. If so, what does this mean for the BioforceHRV? Does this mean we can improve the score on the BioforceHRV in a couple minutes by changing our physiology, thus rendering the readout inaccurate? I say inaccurate because I can't see how modifying one's HRV via breathing/other techniques in a couple of minutes can improve one's ability to train harder. Of course I don't know the science behind HRV so maybe it is possible  ???So really, the main question is, can one's HRV be changed in a matter of minutes? The answer to this seems to be yes. So the next question is, how will this interefere with the use of the Bioforce HRV?


    Justin Guimond

    I'm guessing that the BioForce system tries to look at what our bodies are doing without our conscious effort.  Probably a more reliable rest/recovery indicator, to go with what our body is doing.  And, as I understand it, the BioForce manual recommends certain responses to your HRV reading, with a focus on either the sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous systems.  The emWave2 seems more short-term and conscious, no?  But I haven't looked into the device's functionality.I would recommend contacting Joel Jameison about this, he'll probably get back to you fairly quickly.


    Justin Guimond

    By the way, waiting for my BioForce to arrive any day now!



    By the way, waiting for my BioForce to arrive any day now!

    wish i could just get the app and nothing else im usisng sweet beat atm snd that seems to work just as good i thinks

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Bioforce HRV vs emWave2

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