Bitching on DH

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    Hey guys, recently, I came across this -> is this debate about ?? They are biching on Kiefer, aren't they ? What are they saying is, that CBL/CNS is bad ?? My english isn't so good to understand the whole debate.. Please, could you give me some summary of this debate if you have read it ?



    Quick summary:There are people threatened by carb back loading



    What do you mean by that ??



    Lyle's comments are hilarious. I see a lot of nerds getting their panties all in a bunch about someone else's success.



    well.. the majority of them are against Kiefer.. I don't understand why they are in that group :D…I just don't know, what they are bitching on.. is it Carb Backloading (fats, fatty carbs, unhealthy??)?? or only that one article about running?? because I have just started CBL, and I wouldn't like to quit it because someone is saying that it is just fad...


    Richard Schmitt

    They're bitching at a combination of things, and apparently the article just set another nuke off



    Bitching about Kiefer's articles, citations, his entire work in other words. I don't think they are disputing anything in CBL persay, they just hate him as a person. Nobody is forcing you to follow this diet which works very nicely for a lot of people. There will always be people nitpicking about any diet, so if that is enough to make you quit then it just means that the diet is not sustainable for you anyways. Those of us who have good success find the diet quite effortless and are glad it actually works as we would probably still eat this way even if the benefits were roughly equal to the drawbacks. Think about it and see if it's worth it for you, but this is in no way a diet that is hard to follow.



    I know, I would like to try it, and I am going to give it a try.. I was just curious what are they bitching on.. so you all have success with CBL and praise it to others ? 🙂



    CBL requires a bit of patience to find out your sweet spot, but if you are willing to put in the work, it will become very easy, effective and sustainable. I don't go around preaching any diet because I don't believe it makes a HUGE difference as long as you know what you are doing, but if someone I know needs help for diet changes that can be maintained over a lifetime, I will gladly send them this way. The only reason I would aggressively promote this diet would be as a basis to refute some of the BS I keep hearing around fitness circles when it comes to foodstuffs.



    I read some of that yesterday.  I'll have to say that most of the comments do not make any sense to me, and that 90% of the people who posted did not read the article, nor have really ever read anything Kiefer has written.

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Bitching on DH

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