Body Beast and CBL?

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    has anyone done this program or anything like it(pure bodybuilding routine) and had good results?I assume as long as your using appropriate reps and weight it should suffice i have had success with the program and a normal diet before, but the heaviest set has 8 reps. I think in terms of volume it is okay, example chest/tris workout make it to the gym plus i was thinking about switching to this routine to save on some gas as it is an at home workout


    It's not the best, but it will work. I've used it and got good results, but don't be afraid to really push it and pause the workouts because you go heavier and to failure, particularly with legs.



    why is it not ideal, i assume its not a heavy enough load?? would going to failure make it better for cbl? since i know generally a set to failure works well for the mechanics of cbl yea i was thinking of going as heavy as i can and taking roughly 1 min rests because they usually go around 30-45sec in this workout


    why is it not ideal, i assume its not a heavy enough load?? would going to failure make it better for cbl? since i know generally a set to failure works well for the mechanics of cbl yea i was thinking of going as heavy as i can and taking roughly 1 min rests because they usually go around 30-45sec in this workout

    Yeah, it's fairly light work most of the time, going to failure on 1-2 moves per workout is all you need to do. The volume is great for it.



    thanks man was gona add a few rest pauses too, thanks for the help



    one more question, when you say going to failure, would that be on the last excersize for that group, i hear quite often continuing on after failure is bad for hypertrophy? which is what im going for


    Richard Schmitt

    Let's use SW as an example. Say you need to get to the 8th rep, you should be able to get that BUT the 9th rep should be almost impossible to do. Make sense? At least in terms of not really going to failure?


    one more question, when you say going to failure, would that be on the last excersize for that group, i hear quite often continuing on after failure is bad for hypertrophy? which is what im going for

    You want to go to concentric failure, meaning you can't contract the weight up without cheating.



    Not that it helps you at all but I do it on CNS. I always make hit failure before I am done even it means adding a few extra at the end of my workout.



    Let's use SW as an example. Say you need to get to the 8th rep, you should be able to get that BUT the 9th rep should be almost impossible to do. Make sense? At least in terms of not really going to failure?

    ah gotcha so as long as an extra rep is impossible, and i would only do that on 1-2 sets or can i do that on all?


    Richard Schmitt

    I'd personally apply that method to it all so you're not blowing out your Central Nervous System



    thats what i was thinking, since its primarily from home, i am planning to start db soon though, not sure if you saw my other thread


    I'd personally apply that method to it all so you're not blowing out your Central Nervous System

    With Body beast the weights you will be using won't be that stressful on the nervous system so you can go to muscular failure.

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Body Beast and CBL?

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