Body Temperature and Pulse

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    Any opinions on using body temperature and pulse as a rough measure of metabolism?I've noticed a drop (97F and sub 60 bpm) while limiting carbs especially in the single digit BF territory. Someone like Rosedale would say this is just the body becoming more efficient whereas others like Peat suggest that a higher metabolism is ideal for overall hormone health. Thoughts from a CBL perspective?



    What time of day was the temp taken?RB



    I started taking temp about 7:00am (within ~5 minutes of waking)As far as I understand that should be the coolest of the day.  As I added more carbs waking temp took about 2 weeks to get to 98 and plateaued there. I've noticed I can go about 2-3 days with limited carbs before waking temp starts to decline.  I wonder if it's a good marker of when to do a backload or if I'm barking up the wrong tree. 



    I was always told that to get an accurate measurement of metabolism through body temp you need to take it in the afternoon.RB



    I was worried about having too many variables with food and activity thrown into the mix. So taken in the afternoon do you think it's useful?Thanks for the input!


    Richard Schmitt

    Take it away from food and drink. Also take it both morning and afternoon and possibly before bed. At least a week to assess how your body temperature fluctuates throughout the day. I know mine stays between 97.4-97.6 throughout the day with a HR of 50-60BPM



    Big Tex- Do you notice it changing as you get further away from a back load or does it stay pretty stable?I've read about folks in the endurance crowd having crazy low pulse and body temp and it being related to a slowed metabolism as a reaction to all that cardio.


    Richard Schmitt

    Being on CNS yes it stays around what I mentioned the day after a CN, my temperature raises to normal and my HR is up during a re-feed. The day after slowly goes back down. Raising food/caloric intake will fix that.



    Thanks for the input Big Tex.  Since bringing my temp up to a daily range of 98-98.7 my resting pulse is also usually around 75 (85 after refeed)  Currently seeing if I can keep the higher average temp with a CBL every 3 days or so.  I have a short commute to work by bicycle (30 min total a day) so that extra daily cardio might require a bit more carbs and be complicating things. I'm still not totally convinced higher metabolism is better than low... but if it's a rough estimate of metabolism I'm gonna experiment with trying to keep it higher and using the drop as a signal for a refeed.  (Although I realize that might be self defeating)

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Body Temperature and Pulse

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