Bouncing Back from the Stomach Flu

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    So I'm just bouncing back from the stomach flu, and I was curious how some of you might have handled things when you did. I was supposed to have my CN last night, but I've eaten very little over the past 48 hours or so, so I obviously skipped that, and am now in the process of shuffling around my schedule.I'm going to get into the gym this afternoon, but I'm guessing my lack of hunger will prevent me from having an extremely successful CN if I were to reschedule it for this evening. At the same time, I figure waiting until next weekend would probably not be the best of ideas (mid-week CNs would be difficult, due to the on-call nature of my work at the moment).Anyways, my plan was to do the CN this evening, and just eat what I can, but I thought I'd let others chime in, as I'm sure many of us will go through this at some point.

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Bouncing Back from the Stomach Flu

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