BPA (And Other Estrogen Mimicking Compounds You May Not Be Aware of)

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    This article from 2011 says that even BPA-Free plastics leak similar estrogen mimicking compounds. This matters because excess estrogen = manboobs + cancer: http://plastipure.com/most-bpa-free-products-found-to-leach-chemicals-having-significant-estrogenic-activity-ea


    This article from 2011 says that even BPA-Free plastics leak similar estrogen mimicking compounds. This matters because excess estrogen = manboobs + cancer: http://plastipure.com/most-bpa-free-products-found-to-leach-chemicals-having-significant-estrogenic-activity-ea

    They've linked this shit to women being more masculine, and men being more femanine nowadays.Crazy!  Throws our hormonal balance RIGHT off.  Fucked thing is, even aluminum containers can be lined with BPA plastics on the sly.You have to be REALLY careful, not just with food labels.  Another reason I shop exclusively @ Whole Foods Market... even for household supplies and hygiene products.Cory


    Brandon D Christ

    You serious?  So is glass and ceramic the only safe materials?


    Richard Schmitt

    Whaaaaat!? Seems like Glass or places like Whole Foods (and some stores like it) are honestly the “better” way to get much needed daily items? Ugh.


    There are safe plastics, and all plastics are resin-coded (look at the bottom) – types 3 and 7 are the worst (PVC and BPA, respectively).  Glass is fine, so is pure aluminum (my drinking bottle for the gym is pure aluminum).You just need to educate yourself, and do more than just scrutinize food labels.  You can't escape everything, as even the air you breathe is toxic in varying amounts... but, control what you can to minimize the risk.I shop at Whole Foods for everything due to their mostly organic, all-natural, environmentally and health-friendly stance.  They've spent years getting their shit in gear, and they are the BEST.  I trust them.  I am not just talking food.  I shop @ WFM for toiletries, cleaning products (body, household and laundry), hygiene, etc.  I even get my fucking hand sanitizers @ WFM!I've spent years removing this chemical crap from my life, and educating myself.  Now, it is second nature.  Hell, I refuse to even use Splenda.  I even get my protein from True Nutrition, so I can use Stevia, and also cut out artificial flavors and colors.  I try to be as chem.-free as possible.Cory


    …this goes for clothing, too.  Think of the chems leaking into your body from clothes made from recycled plastics that contained BPA.I wear 100% natural fibers, organic where possible.Some sneaky companies even 'lace' their clothes in chem.-based lining.  Sick!Cory



    There are safe plastics, and all plastics are resin-coded (look at the bottom) - types 3 and 7 are the worst (PVC and BPA, respectively).  Glass is fine, so is pure aluminum (my drinking bottle for the gym is pure aluminum).You just need to educate yourself, and do more than just scrutinize food labels.  You can't escape everything, as even the air you breathe is toxic in varying amounts... but, control what you can to minimize the risk.I shop at Whole Foods for everything due to their mostly organic, all-natural, environmentally and health-friendly stance.  They've spent years getting their shit in gear, and they are the BEST.  I trust them.  I am not just talking food.  I shop @ WFM for toiletries, cleaning products (body, household and laundry), hygiene, etc.  I even get my fucking hand sanitizers @ WFM!I've spent years removing this chemical crap from my life, and educating myself.  Now, it is second nature.  Hell, I refuse to even use Splenda.  I even get my protein from True Nutrition, so I can use Stevia, and also cut out artificial flavors and colors.  I try to be as chem.-free as possible.Cory

    WTF I'm currently drinking out of a nike plastic water bottle I picked up at TJ Maxx (maybe this is why..) that had a big ole sticker saying BPA free...and I checked the code, and its 7! guess I gotta get a new one.


    There are safe plastics, and all plastics are resin-coded (look at the bottom) - types 3 and 7 are the worst (PVC and BPA, respectively).  Glass is fine, so is pure aluminum (my drinking bottle for the gym is pure aluminum).You just need to educate yourself, and do more than just scrutinize food labels.  You can't escape everything, as even the air you breathe is toxic in varying amounts... but, control what you can to minimize the risk.I shop at Whole Foods for everything due to their mostly organic, all-natural, environmentally and health-friendly stance.  They've spent years getting their shit in gear, and they are the BEST.  I trust them.  I am not just talking food.  I shop @ WFM for toiletries, cleaning products (body, household and laundry), hygiene, etc.  I even get my fucking hand sanitizers @ WFM!I've spent years removing this chemical crap from my life, and educating myself.  Now, it is second nature.  Hell, I refuse to even use Splenda.  I even get my protein from True Nutrition, so I can use Stevia, and also cut out artificial flavors and colors.  I try to be as chem.-free as possible.Cory

    WTF I'm currently drinking out of a nike plastic water bottle I picked up at TJ Maxx (maybe this is why..) that had a big ole sticker saying BPA free...and I checked the code, and its 7! guess I gotta get a new one.

    Plastics with resin-codes 2, 4 or 5 are absolute safest.Cory



    Cory – I hate to burst your bubble, but I guarantee your water bottle is not pure aluminum. Pure aluminum is weaker in strength than wood and is easily malleable, much like pure gold. It's possible that it's an alloy with high purity aluminum (like 99.9% or higher) but that's highly unlikely. Most aluminum is alloyed with nickel for increased strength and durability.Also, most aluminum water bottles need to be lined with some form of epoxy - which, depending on where you got it, is totally okay, or really horrible. I would maybe check that. Stainless steel is maybe what you meant, as those don't need liners and are made out of food grade 304 stainless steel. You can also get some surgical grade stainless steel, but that's pricey. Just some food for thought. Chris


    Cory - I hate to burst your bubble, but I guarantee your water bottle is not pure aluminum. Pure aluminum is weaker in strength than wood and is easily malleable, much like pure gold. It's possible that it's an alloy with high purity aluminum (like 99.9% or higher) but that's highly unlikely. Most aluminum is alloyed with nickel for increased strength and durability.Also, most aluminum water bottles need to be lined with some form of epoxy - which, depending on where you got it, is totally okay, or really horrible. I would maybe check that. Stainless steel is maybe what you meant, as those don't need liners and are made out of food grade 304 stainless steel. You can also get some surgical grade stainless steel, but that's pricey. Just some food for thought. Chris

    Got it from WFM.  The bottle was advertised as 100% aluminum, made in Switzerland (their Chinese-made products were stainless steel).  Not sure the production processes, but it is 100% non-toxic, non-chemical and environmentally-friendly from recycled materials.That said, the bottle definitely feels fragile / light, and I try not to bang it around, as it dents and de-forms. VERY easily.CoryAdded note:  the interior is lined with a food-safe, non-toxic enamel.  The bottle was far from cheap, and despite being used in the gym, I handle it with care b/c it seems fragile.



    Huh – interesting. Yeah, then for all practical purposes saying it's 100% aluminum is legit. I didn't know you could even get aluminum (pure) water bottles. There's still trace impurities (from an engineering/metallurgical and NERDY standpoint), but definitely interesting. is there a lining? You'd be able to tell if you scratch it a tiny bit on the inside, it'll feel different. And I'm curious - why go with aluminum? What's wrong with stainless? I'm sure there's a method to your madness.Chris


    Huh - interesting. Yeah, then for all practical purposes saying it's 100% aluminum is legit. I didn't know you could even get aluminum (pure) water bottles. There's still trace impurities (from an engineering/metallurgical and NERDY standpoint), but definitely interesting. is there a lining? You'd be able to tell if you scratch it a tiny bit on the inside, it'll feel different. And I'm curious - why go with aluminum? What's wrong with stainless? I'm sure there's a method to your madness.Chris

    Yeah, just going by the advertised aspects.The interior feels a bit 'rougher', texturally, but looks the same color.  Like I added, it does contain a food-grade enamel on the interior.I chose it b/c I liked how it looked.  Pretty lame, I know... but, it was chem-free, and environ-friendly, and I needed a new bottle... so... yep.  It has skulls on it...Cory

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BPA (And Other Estrogen Mimicking Compounds You May Not Be Aware of)

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