BPak "The Incredible Bulk"

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  • #12072

    Robert x Oleary

    Anyone else get the email about this new program and his micro-cycling bulk?  It's supposed to tell you when to switch from bulking to cutting, and what macros to you? Also has supplement stack info. Debating on buying it… Was hoping for feedback of what anyone who might have bought it thought though. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Zoltan Holdos

    yaa I got it! I am also debating if I should but it or not! 😛But is it nessesary? You know what your macros should be when you cut or bulk from the CBL/ Carbnite. And the training guide could be unnessesary if you have MI40(x). The supps you probably know already. But the food list and that awesome app would be nice to have.Still dont get me wrong, Im just thinking out loud. I really like Bpaks stuff and I am really temted to buy it!!  😀


    Rob Haas

    Debating…that kid of his must be getting expensive or they are smart financial planners and starting the college fund now LOL.


    Rob Haas

    Heard back from a buddy that got it saying BPak throws in a customized meal plan in for an extra $27. Kind of sweetens the deal for those of us who self train and know they have fools for a client. LOL.


    Robert x Oleary

    Heard back from a buddy that got it saying BPak throws in a customized meal plan in for an extra $27. Kind of sweetens the deal for those of us who self train and know they have fools for a client. LOL.

    Bpak's meal plans are too much calories in my opinion. Mi40x2, while great, put on a lot of body fat for me when I tried to adhere to his macros. I do much better with CBL, and stay a lot tight. I'm really curious about his supplement info though.


    Rob Haas

    What's you guys take on the supplement recommendations?So far it's the only thing I glanced at. Will be on Vaca next week so will be printing it out for reading material.

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BPak "The Incredible Bulk"

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