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    Damon Amato

    again, can't believe we don't have one of these yet…I'll start.Brag: indirectly saved my football athletes life last month (I'm an Athletic Trainer).  He tackled someone during a drill and got numbness in both his arms and index fingers.  My initial eval didn't show much but looked like a disc issue.  ER physician in New Hampshire who literally had never seen a black person before said everything was fine.  I disagreed.  Due to his insurance, couldn't get in to see his PCP until 4 days later.  By then symptoms had subsided and his PCP said it was an electrolyte imbalance and no X-ray was needed, gave him a note to go play.  I disagreed and wouldn't let him back to practice until he saw the orthopedist I use.  Good thing I did, he fractured C5. Would have been easily paralyzed or worse by another hit.addendum: this quite possibly could turn into my passive aggressive argument from the unRx podcast when Kiefer said he didn't like sports medicine because he didn't want to tape high school kids ankles.  I tried a texting argument but I can't win, he's too damn logical for playful slamming.



    ouch!good save 8)


    Eric Shaw

    It never ceases to amaze me of the level of incompetence and just complete idiocy in modern medicine. Most Doctors are shat! It's actually quite scary. And the level of deference that most people give to a Doctor when they get an opinion is mind boggling. I'm always second guessing unless their advice results in me getting better, I don't care who the doc is.

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