Brandon Lilly

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    For those that don't know, Brandon Lilly seriously injured himself yesterday.This is from this morning via the Juggernaut Training Systems FB>"Brandon Lilly will undergo surgery this morning to repair meniscus, patella tendon and quad tendon tears in both legs, as well as an ACL tear and totally fractured (like in 2 very distinct pieces) patella in the left leg. "JTS is posting updates regularly.


    David Margittai

    Was a real tough one to watch. If anyone's gonna come back from that one, though, it's him. He'll warrior the fuck up and show us all how it's done.


    Brandon D Christ

    Yea too bad for him.  I was looking forward to seeing him lift at Raw Unity next week.  Too bad that's down the toilet now.


    Richard Schmitt

    I hope and pray for the best for him. I know he'll come back stronger and make this look like nothing.


    Brandon D Christ

    Is there a video of this floating around?  From what it sounds like, his injury was very, very ugly.


    David Margittai

    Is there a video of this floating around?  From what it sounds like, his injury was very, very ugly.

    Here's one. saw another one yesterday from a different angle that looked like it was probably the actual feed video, but that may have been taken down.


    Brandon D Christ

    Is there a video of this floating around?  From what it sounds like, his injury was very, very ugly.

    Here's one. saw another one yesterday from a different angle that looked like it was probably the actual feed video, but that may have been taken down.

    Yikes!  I wonder if this had anything to do with the walk out.  While the purists hate the monolift, I think it is much safer.  The walk out is usually the most dangerous part of the squat.



    Holy crap.



    oh man! This is bad news. Im a big Brandon Lilly fan. I hope this doesn't put him off the Raw lifting! (: What actually happened? I cant watch the video at work atm. Did he fall with the weight or did the tendon's “just go” on him or what?


    Richard Schmitt

    Left knee literally went inwards with all 750lbs of weight on his back while squatting



    Left knee literally went inwards with all 750lbs of weight on his back while squatting

    Shit! So something must have gone for that to happen and then the drop caused the rest of the damage. Did the spotters grab it in time?


    David Margittai

    oh man! This is bad news. Im a big Brandon Lilly fan. I hope this doesn't put him off the Raw lifting! (: What actually happened? I cant watch the video at work atm. Did he fall with the weight or did the tendon's "just go" on him or what?

    From the mouth of the man, himself:

    On my squat as I descended my left knee popped wildly, and gave out, causing similar strain to the right leg. Thank everyone of the crew onstage, and EMT's on the scene. As of right now without surgery I'd never walk again as I sheared my ACL, meniscus, patella, tore both quad tendons, and MCL in both knees and the knee cap in my left knee will be replaced. I go in for surgery in 10-15 minutes, I just wanted to thank every single person for the comments, status updates, texts, and emails. This is just a bump in the road. I have one of the best knee surgeons in the US. Say a prayer or keep me in your thoughts... I appreciate you all very much, and I'll see you on the flip side.

    The bar basically ended up taking him down to both of his knees and pinning him before dumping it.



    oh man! This is bad news. Im a big Brandon Lilly fan. I hope this doesn't put him off the Raw lifting! (: What actually happened? I cant watch the video at work atm. Did he fall with the weight or did the tendon's "just go" on him or what?

    From the mouth of the man, himself:

    On my squat as I descended my left knee popped wildly, and gave out, causing similar strain to the right leg. Thank everyone of the crew onstage, and EMT's on the scene. As of right now without surgery I'd never walk again as I sheared my ACL, meniscus, patella, tore both quad tendons, and MCL in both knees and the knee cap in my left knee will be replaced. I go in for surgery in 10-15 minutes, I just wanted to thank every single person for the comments, status updates, texts, and emails. This is just a bump in the road. I have one of the best knee surgeons in the US. Say a prayer or keep me in your thoughts... I appreciate you all very much, and I'll see you on the flip side.

    The bar basically ended up taking him down to both of his knees and pinning him before dumping it.



    David Margittai

    Geeeez…have any of you guys been awared on the apparent rift in the space-time continuum that this is injury is bringing out into the open?Not what I like to see.


    Brandon D Christ

    Geeeez...have any of you guys been awared on the apparent rift in the space-time continuum that this is injury is bringing out into the open?Not what I like to see.

    I agree with Sparkle.  While I like Lily and I am a fan, I am not donating my hard earned money to help him pay for his medical bills.  It was Chad Smith's idea, but I think Brandon is more than capable of paying this off himself.  I won't judge anyone who donates, but count me out.

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Brandon Lilly

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