Brandon Lilly

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  • #212847


    Geeeez...have any of you guys been awared on the apparent rift in the space-time continuum that this is injury is bringing out into the open?Not what I like to see.

    I agree with Sparkle.  While I like Lily and I am a fan, I am not donating my hard earned money to help him pay for his medical bills.  It was Chad Smith's idea, but I think Brandon is more than capable of paying this off himself.  I won't judge anyone who donates, but count me out. like all the donation money was refunded. Hopefully his insurance comes through and doesnt fuck him around! Thats the last thing you need when dealing with a nasty injury like this!


    Brandon D Christ

    Geeeez...have any of you guys been awared on the apparent rift in the space-time continuum that this is injury is bringing out into the open?Not what I like to see.

    I agree with Sparkle.  While I like Lily and I am a fan, I am not donating my hard earned money to help him pay for his medical bills.  It was Chad Smith's idea, but I think Brandon is more than capable of paying this off himself.  I won't judge anyone who donates, but count me out. like all the donation money was refunded. Hopefully his insurance comes through and doesnt fuck him around! Thats the last thing you need when dealing with a nasty injury like this!

    Yea I saw that.  Good to hear he's taken care of.



    Yea. I kind of worry about my cousin he’s sometimes puts 400lbs over his head and freaks me out and lately he’s been cutting weight to get down to 200-220lbs and move down in a different weight class. But sometime’ s you perform a lift and for whatever reason the firing isn’t there. It’s tough but if you love your sport than you cannot be afraid of the lift. Here he is doing Grace with 303lbs.! That damn Pendlay dropped him. However, he’s been preforming really well lately I am sure they will sponsor him again.

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Brandon Lilly

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