Building a Home Gym *Project Complete*

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    Tiago Nicolau

    Hi all,Stating at June, im gonna quit my gym and start my own garage gym,For now im starting to assemble what i need, used weights are cheaper, as well as bars,Racks are best if new, warranty and knowing it wont break on your neck,What it will be composed, as for now, is:- a 1,83meter 28mm bar ( a olympic bar is 3 times the price and the max weight the 28mm endures is more than i can handle)- a standard 28mm curl bar- screwed dumbbel kit with 2 dumbbels and 4 screws to hold it tight on vertical position- weights are composed of 28mm:- 4x 20kg- 4x 10kg- 4x 5kg- 4x 2kg- 4x 1kg- Squat rack- Bench rack with separate bench for decline, plain and incline bench- Multifunction machine: WEIDER Pro 4500wei_pro4500_f.jpgI choose this one since it can handle 85kg, Weider quality and since its 25kg more than most of the other crappy hercules machines, i think its a nice adition, specially for pulldowns and rope exercises.- A custom made ,on metalurgic store, Rack for pullups and dips, wich i still have to look for but its on my plans.So, what could i be missing here? you guys like that Weider machine?All of this should be under 1000€, if i buy the used weights, that is



    Why do you need that machine?Why do you need curl bar? Curl bar decreases range of motion for curls.In my opinion 1 rack with pullup bar + 1 adjustable bench + 1 very good quality bar + set of bands (like Texas Strength Systems Athletic Band Package or something similar) is pretty much enough.Bands can be attached do rack and used instead of any cable machines (triceps extensions, face pulls, ab pulldowns, flys etc etc etc).Dumbbells can be useful.Speciality bars can be useful for somebody.Hammer grip bar can be useful for triceps extensions if you want to do them with bar (not dumbbeells) but have pain with straight bar.Also about weights?Why- 4x 20kg- 4x 10kg- 4x 5kg- 4x 2kg- 4x 1kgWhy do you need 4x miniplates, not 2x? And I would buy something like this:as much as needed x25kg2x 15kg2x 10kg2x 5kg2x 2.5kg2x 1.25kgI have a dream to build my gym too, but I don't have enough money to buy basement room for it 🙁


    Tiago Nicolau

    The gym will be used not only by me but by my mother and girlfriend, the machine is for us but mnore for them, with more assisted work,85kg is a nice weight on the machine for pulldowns and leg extensions, even for chest presses, those 3 exercises are part of my routines, thats the reason,But, i sent request for a budget to make this rack: If the budget is lower than 500€, i wont buy the machine and the rack i posted earlier, since this rack can do a lot of things with the bands you reffered to 🙂Since i live on an island, sending a pre-made cage is not an option so i hope the metalurgic stores here can make the cage,The weights i choose, are for the girls, they cant handle that much weight and the lower ones are good even for me, on curls for example 🙂Also, the curl bar i said, was ment to be the Z bar, it was typo mistake hehe,The hammer grip bar is a nice adition as well indeed 🙂The garage i have was being used for a car..a car!!Lucky me my mom sold her car for a motocycle, and now the garage is empty,the garage inst very big but enough for the cage and the bench and bars/dumbbells 🙂



    Make sure whatever rack you buy/make has hooks to support a bar that short. A standard men's 20kg bar is 2200mm total length, 1310mm between the sleeves.. so a bar that's only a total length of 1830 will possibly need a narrower hook setup on the rack.Totally something I would overlook, so wanted to point out out, ha


    Tiago Nicolau

    Well some updates,After consulting with one of the metalurgic shops, i have to stand aside the cage or even the half cage, they ask a ridiculous price, with reason, since they dont mass produce it,My best bet now is a premade rack, not perfect, lacks 1 final layer of holes from barbbell shrugs or some half deadlifts, but that can be fixed really easy, the warranty will the void thou:suporte-para-barra-rbr-910.jpgIt fits the standard olympic 2,2m bar, and can be adjusted,I will probably get 2 bigger bars for safety since the ones it brings are too small,Another thing is the Multi machine,If the same shop sells me this machine cheaper than it is being selled for, i will buy it:adidas-Home-Gym-graf.jpgIt can hold 100Kg, pretty stable as i tested it hard, some may say i dont need it, but as i mentioned before, i do,Its not a crappy Hercules machine, with a bare 60kg, its a bigger and more robust machine,Basically it holds more weight than i can lift, so im happy with that 🙂I already bought a heavy resistance Nike band:177159_md.jpgIts hard to pull it all, but will use it mostly for PSR sets of Deadlifts and Squats, so will do,Already bought a Dumbbell kit, 44Lb with threads, so i can use it vertically, each dumbbell can hold about 4 pieces of  22Lb weights, each dumbbell has something like 4Lb each.dumbells_3.jpgIn addition of that, i bought 4 pieces of 4 rubber floor protection, each of 61x61cm, with 1cm thickness.Its half what i need for the floor lenght, but the price doesnt allow me to buy all of it for now :/


    May I suggest this've had 400+lbs on it just fine.



    May I suggest this've had 400+lbs on it just fine.

    pretty sweet.. looking at some of the built ones below by other people after painted it looks great


    May I suggest this've had 400+lbs on it just fine.

    pretty sweet.. looking at some of the built ones below by other people after painted it looks great

    At some point I need to clean the Dungeon and take another picture of mine.



    May I suggest this've had 400+lbs on it just fine.

    That's actually something I've been looking to build! I have quite a few tabs open right now actually with different plans. This one is pretty neat if you want to get any "fancier," lol.


    Richard Schmitt

    The set up Trevor has is really awesome, and what he uses convinced me to go that route once I supply the materials to make it.



    It would take me 10yrs to build something out of wood and damn that's a shitload of drilling. That one red painted rack setup is sweet thou.


    The Dungeon.20140317_201923_zpskowk3sjv.jpg



    Looks like a good setup to me. I will say the wood racks look pretty damn cool/tough, and I'd love to build a rack like I built my punisher and that's beefy as fuck.


    Tiago Nicolau

    Thanks  for these ideas, i never thought on a wooden rack!Since i suck at wooden work, i have to ask a carpinter i know for his thoughts on the costs and if he can make it, but supposely it will be much cheaper than steel?The steel one is 650€ commercial, and 900 euros custom built lol!The rack i showned above is 170€ :/Trevor, come to my house and build me one setup like yours, i would make you cookies!!!!  ;D


    Tiago Nicolau

    Hi all, The gyn is coming up nicely, my workouts are made there only, i dont even go to the gym anymore even having 2 months subscrition lolI will post images when all is done, now the only thing missing is the wooden cage, wich i predict to be done next weekend 🙂

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Building a Home Gym *Project Complete*

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