BulletProof Coffee

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    New so sorry if this is repetitive. I have done carb night and had great success and am ready to switch CBL. I currently weigh in at 255lb and am looking to get down to 225lb range. I usually begin my day with a Bullet Proof coffee (Americano, 2 tbsp Kerry Gold Butter, 2 tbsp MCT oil, 2 tbsp Heavy Whipping Cream). This concoction comes with 66.6g of fat and 611 calories. Now I am reading about the AM Accelerator Shake and am wondering if I am ok to stick with my BPC or am I consuming too many calories and fat and should shed the butter and/or heavy whip.Thanks in advance for all and any comments.


    Richard Schmitt

    It seems like a lot but if it is working for you then keep it. But personally I don't think you need more than <1tbsp of MCT oil or coconut oil at one sitting. The 1-2Tbsp HWC can be ok. The adding of the butter may be too much if you have oil with it too



    It seems like a lot but if it is working for you then keep it. But personally I don't think you need more than <1tbsp of MCT oil or coconut oil at one sitting. The 1-2Tbsp HWC can be ok. The adding of the butter may be too much if you have oil with it too

    Thanks!! Also in the Hypertrophic Potentiator PWO shake what is a good option to include into the shake if you don't have bananas? Some form of powder that can be easily added to a shaker??Thanks again!


    Richard Schmitt


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BulletProof Coffee

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