From the book:Caffeine: Caffeine has received a bad rap over the years forvarious reasons, but the scientific literature shows it’sunjustified. Caffeine’s blamed for cortisol release, but theresearch is inconclusive and only shows that in stressfulsituations—like test-taking—caffeine can cause a rise incortisol levels. But, for most people, just the thought oftaking a test raises cortisol levels. Caffeine’s also recentlybeen blamed for causing insulin release; this is conclusivelyfalse. Only when caffeine is ingested with carbs will itincrease the amount of insulin released. Caffeine ingestedalone or with fat and protein fails to raise insulin levels.Because it’s a stimulant, caffeine fights off periods ofsluggishness, especially those experienced duringReorientation, but you should strongly consider usingcaffeine on your fat and protein days because of its potentbody fat burning ability.