Caffeine question

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    Hey, everyone!  Stats/ background (in case it is helpful)I'm new to CBL, but been doing IF and primal type diets with a kind of dumb luck CBL for a while.  I'm 40 years old, 195 pounds, 5'9" and about 11% BF.Started CBL after buying the ebook about a week ago.  Having fun so far and feeling great, especially in the gym.I work about one in three weeks on an overnight, 12 hour shift.  On my daytime weeks I'm training at 9am.  On my overnight weeks, I'll be training at the equivalent of 9pm.  I've been doing ULC on non-training days, so my question only applies to training day CBL.My question:I tried to research this, but couldn't find a post, although I'm sure it has been clarified somewhere:On training days, in the book there is a Hypertrophic Potentiator shake advised before bed, along with ice cream.  Does anyone take caffeine at this time?  I know it aids in shuttling carbs away from fat cells, but caffeine this late is obviously a bad idea as far as sleep is concerned.  The reason I ask is Kiefer specifically mentions "no carbs" on the post-workout Hypertrophic Potentiator for the 9am training, so I imagine he would say "no caffeine" on the HP shake before bed if he didn't want it added.Thanks in advance.TD



    he probably didn't write it because it's common sense, you don't want to intake caffeine before laying down to sleep.


    Richard Schmitt

    If it bothers you to sleep then don't take it. Simple as that. It helps shuttle carbs to your body yes, key word helps, you'll be fine without it


    Brandon D Christ

    Actually Kiefer does mention this in the book.  He said take the caffeine if you can handle it before bed, otherwise leave it out.

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Caffeine question

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