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  • #6510

    Damon Amato

    Just thought I would throw this out there if anyone wanted to back me up.  Reader's digest version: I'm the Nutrition Manager at a health club where I write a blog every now and then.  Just posted one about why whole greek yogurts like Fage are better than 0% fat like Chobani.  Well “Chobani” responded in the comment section.  I responded to their comments and really threw it in their faces.  Was wondering if anyone else wouldn't mind backing me up in the comments.  Link below.


    Richard Schmitt

    Whoa…honestly sir I agree with everything that was mentioned on your blog and responses to the misleading company. Funny they have not yet commented back


    Damon Amato

    I just replied to them about an hour ago, so I wouldn't expect anything else back yet.  It would just be nice if I got a few comments backing me up.  No need to post anything outlandish or inflammatory, just whether you agree or disagree and why.

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