Calorie Surplus and CBL

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  • #361514

    Greg l wilcox

    All research seems to suggest that a person needs to be in a calorie surplus to gain muscle mass. There are some exceptions but for the most part, the body needs to be in a surplus. I have always wondered; how long after the workout do you need to be in that surplus state? I have recently switched to an upper/lower split ( 4 on 3 off) and have gained muscle mass and strength but have also gained some fat around the waist. No to much, but some. I bought CBL and have been following it, however I eat breakfast within 2 hours of waking. I keep get stuck on the idea that if the body needs to be in a calorie surplus, how can I wait until 12:00pm with only a coffee and heavy cream and only 10g of protein??


    Robert Haas

    How long you wait to eat breakfast depends on how late you eat your last meal the night before. Unless your last meal was at midnight, no need to wait until noon for a light breakfast. I try to go at least 12 hours, the longer the better. Coffee w HWC & 10 grams of protein probably isn’t enough to break the fast as far as fat metabolism goes.

    The eyes can't see what the mind doesn't understand.


    Richard Schmitt

    Then eat upon waking.


    Makoto Tomizawa

    Then eat upon waking.

    ^Bam. Lol.
    Or just eat more in general..? Density Bulking protocol calls for A.M. Accelerator Shake upon waking, then breakfast an hour after that, so you could try that too. I usually fast for a few hours, eat a little something, go about the day, and get all my calories (and surplus) in at night anyways. You could always add dextrose to your shake/food or more fat like cream or butter.

    Training Log:



    “Training is the actual stimulus while nutrition is only permissive to muscle growth. What do I mean by permissive?

    I mean that nutrition can permit the growth of muscle tissue but it is not the root cause. That is the function of training.

    “Eating to grow” is a misnomer. All you can do is eat to provide the ideal environment to permit growth. You can train to grow, but you cannot truly eat to grow.”
    – Eric Helms

    on the topic of you “need a surplus”.
    Thats why body recomposition works if you a improve / progressive overload in the gym and eat enough to recover from those improvements/overloads workouts. - for fitness, travel, personal development and more
    - CBL / CNS related content!

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Calorie Surplus and CBL

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