Just wondering if it is okay to eat beans?The book I guess would say no, but apparently canned kidney beans, canned baked beans and others have a GI in the mid to high 40's, so I said I'd ask.I like my chilli con carne, which would have some kidney beans in it.A can of baked beans, is a LOT of beans.Are they okay on a backload or at night, or is chilli con carne okay due to having less, but not baked beans?
omg… I had no idea how many carbs were in beans! I always figured it was mostly fiber, but even then the usable carbs in one cup is tremendous! great post, good question, I learned from it.
Beans are awesome. Super filling, and I use them almost every night in my back loads. If you are worried about them being low GI then have some leucine with it. I honestly don't do that and they haven't stalled in progress.