Can your 2nd Digit:4th Digit Ratio predict your muscle gaining ability?

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    Brandon D Christ

    Came across this wikipedia article: actually heard about this concept before, but never thought anything of it.  I don't know how scientific this is, supposedly there is evidence that your digit ratio is correlated with how sensitive your androgen receptors are.  Men with low digit ratios tend to have very sensitive androgen receptors, thus displaying more masculine characteristics.  Men with higher digit ratios tend to show the opposite.  I wonder if this can be used to predict if someone puts on muscle easily or not.Your digit ratio is calculated by dividing the length of your pointer finger (2nd digit) by the length of your ring finger (4th digit).  The mean for males is .947 and for females is .965 with standard deviations of .029 and .028 respectively.  The 10th and 90th precentiles for males are 0.910 and 0.984. For females: 0.932 and 0.998. My digit ratio is .913 which puts me pretty damn close to the 10th percentile.  My experience backs up the (speculative) science.  I put on muscle pretty easily and I was always strong guy for my size.I don't know scientific this is, but I posted this for fun!


    Richard Schmitt

    So hopefully I did this right, measured my fingers in inches with a 3in 2nd Digit, and a 2.625in 4th Digit resulting in a 1.143.


    Brandon D Christ

    So hopefully I did this right, measured my fingers in inches with a 3in 2nd Digit, and a 2.625in 4th Digit resulting in a 1.143.

      Tex I think you did it backwards.  The second digit is your pointer, the one next to your thumb.  You might want to remeasure using a centimeter ruler for more precision.  Your ratio is wacky!


    Richard Schmitt

    So hopefully I did this right, measured my fingers in inches with a 3in 2nd Digit, and a 2.625in 4th Digit resulting in a 1.143.

      Tex I think you did it backwards.  The second digit is your pointer, the one next to your thumb.  You might want to remeasure using a centimeter ruler for more precision.  Your ratio is wacky!

    I knew that! I read the link and used the correct finger XD I'll look for an actual ruler, I used my tape measurer instead. Be right back


    Richard Schmitt

    Roughly first finger is 74-75cm and ring finger is 76-77cm. I know I'm doing it right this time!Around .973-.974 ???


    Lasse Elsbak

    Roughly first finger is 74-75cm and ring finger is 76-77cm. I know I'm doing it right this time!Around .973-.974 ???

    You have 30 inch fingers? O.o



    Roughly first finger is 74-75cm and ring finger is 76-77cm. I know I'm doing it right this time!Around .973-.974 ???

    You have 30 inch fingers? O.o

    LOL. Silly Americans! (:



    Depending on whether I use left or right hand I get .923 or .933. I wouldnt say Im particular gifted in either strength or size though.


    Richard Schmitt



    Brandon D Christ

    Depending on whether I use left or right hand I get .923 or .933. I wouldnt say Im particular gifted in either strength or size though.

    For some reason the wikipedia page specifically says right hand.


    Richard Schmitt

    Oh…use my left and re did the numbers too. I will do right tomorrow



    Depending on whether I use left or right hand I get .923 or .933. I wouldnt say Im particular gifted in either strength or size though.

    For some reason the wikipedia page specifically says right hand.

    Yeah the biggest difference for me was my right hands fingers. They reckon this ratio has a lot to do with female sexuality as well, or so I remember reading.

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Can your 2nd Digit:4th Digit Ratio predict your muscle gaining ability?

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