Can't find a sustainable program

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    I got my weight down to a record 167 by counting my carbs, keeping my protein and fat to a one to one ratio and trying to be mindful of my calories. I was having a hard time sustaining that so I went to counting carbs only, trying to stay under 30 grams. I gained about five pounds doing that but I don’t seem to be gaining any more. I know that I can lose weight if I track all of my macros but I’m unable to sustain that long term. I I need a program that I can sustain long term. I can count 30 carbs a day for the rest of my life. That I can handle but don’t know if I can handle much more. I’m 5 foot 8 and I weigh about 173 lbs. My heaviest weight was 240 pounds a few years ago when I first started experimenting with low carbohydrate diets. I’m very pleased with the progress and my body fat percentage is around 15%. I would like to get it to about 10%. But I need to find a program that I can realistically stick to for a long period of time. I was even contemplating stopping having a carb night and see how that would work.

    Any advise?

    Thank you


    Penny Danner

    Have you looked into something like AltShift? There’s a FB group too.

    But otherwise, tweak your carb nites. You can’t cut them out or then that becomes keto.


    Makoto Tomizawa

    Why not just eat a little less overall on Carb Nites or ULC days, or substitute leaner protein sources for a meal or two on ULC days?

    Training Log:


    Robert Haas

    Ever here of the term “the best program is one you are not doing”? What it mean is there is no sustainable program, diet, training, or whatever. Your body is in a constant state of find homeostasis so its going to adapt at whatever you do. There’s both positive and negative feedback loops constantly tugging at your hormones that adjust metabolism and just about all body functions.
    Change up and try something different until it stops working then change up again.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by Robert Haas.

    The eyes can't see what the mind doesn't understand.


    Robert Haas

    Brandon D Christ

    You want to make a change from 15% to 10%. That is pretty large change actually. You are going to have to be somewhat uncomfortable because your body does not want to be at that body composition. No offense, but sounds like you are looking for some sort of easy way out. There is none. Especially for someone like yourself who sounds like you struggle with your weight.

    That being said, if you keep track of everything long enough, you will eventually develop intuition of how much you need to eat. Also when you reach your desired body composition it will be easier and easier to maintain as your body will adapt. This will give you a larger margin of error when it comes to your diet.



    Thank you all for the support. I need to digest what I have here and see what adjustments I can make.




    I purchased the Altshift book and I’m trying the program. There are some issues though. One is that the author appears to be totally against grains and sugar even on days when carbs are allowed. I don’t want to come off as someone who knows anything about nutrition because I don’t but Keifer allowed grains and sugar on CNS. So I was thinking that it wouldn’t be a major problem if I met the macros for Alt shift (again the author appears to be totally against this idea based on what I understand).

    The other thing is that the author didn’t mention in the book anything about “cheat” meal or the occasional deviation from the program. But I assume that it’s left up to me and the more I deviate the slower the progress will be.

    Please reply. I’m interested to hear what you have to say about this.


    Thanks for the reply. You are absolutely right that I will have to expect to be a little uncomfortable. I’m aware of that but I think it’s natural for a human being to look for the easiest way out as to not put themselves under unnecessary stress expecially because stress is a factor in fat loss.

    Thanks again

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Can't find a sustainable program

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