Carb back loading

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    Keymaster read this long article i found on accident. The moral of the story for me was carb starve until you have lifted for the day then carb load until bed.  This short message was made very complicated. There must be more to it in order to warrant making a paper out of it, and a book. Q does simple or complex carbs matter?)Q.  What is the minimum carb starve time that you should go before you lift?Q. What is the maximum amount of time post workout that i should consume carbs. There are only 24 hours in a day. That is about 11 hours pre-workout and 11 hours post workout. If i awake at 3 am and train at 4 when the gym opens, the science can't support getting full on carbs then staying full on carbs until 10 pm. Thats 18 hours of carbing. where If i don't train until 9pm and load up on carbs until 11pm where carb count is the same.



    All that and MORE is answered in the book. He carefully describes all the questions and scenarios I think you provided. If you're serious about doing something similar to this, it may be worth it to buy the book.



    All that and MORE is answered in the book. He carefully describes all the questions and scenarios I think you provided. If you're serious about doing something similar to this, it may be worth it to buy the book.

    +1buy it, all these are answered


    Conrado Tiu

    All that and MORE is answered in the book. He carefully describes all the questions and scenarios I think you provided. If you're serious about doing something similar to this, it may be worth it to buy the book.

    +1buy it, all these are answered

    I third that motion. Buy the book. I will post my results soon.  Quite happy with CBL (and CNS).


    Richard Schmitt

    All that and MORE is answered in the book. He carefully describes all the questions and scenarios I think you provided. If you're serious about doing something similar to this, it may be worth it to buy the book.

    +1buy it, all these are answered

    I third that motion. Buy the book. I will post my results soon.  Quite happy with CBL (and CNS).

    I agree with buying the book, +4, trust us it's worth sir.


    Naomi Most

    Ah. Reading this thread, I now see why Richard got so frustrated and thought we were trying to hide something when Dmunnee accidentally moved his thread into the members-only section.You guys in particular are all over the forums, reading a lot more than I have time to. In the future, when you see someone brand new asking questions in multiple places like this, could you let me know right away (in a PM), so I can address that person myself?Part of the problem was that most of these threads happened over the weekend when I can't monitor the forums as much. I spend all day with my son on Sundays, and Mondays are when Kiefer and I have a planning meeting.Richard's intentions were good, I really believe this. He just sort of came at this a bit aggressively and rubbed some of you guys the wrong way. Kind of a shame. I'd like to avoid this in the future.

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Carb back loading

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