Carb backloading pre carb meal times macro calculator

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  • #10768

    Gary p

    Hi Guys Page 247 of Ebook shows a calculator with pro hi,pro low,fat,I get that part of it but why are the low carb calories there in the pre carb meal times,what I'm try to say is I thought through my understanding that you are only allowed 30g carbs until after training when you can have all the carbs you require.however the calculator for a 164lb person says 660 calories allowed for carbs at that weight which is 165g carbs, surely these carbs should come after the workout,and not pre.


    Richard Schmitt

    It's just for Pre-Training times, the calorie part of it should not be counted, but just to give you a solid number or guideline. You're wanting to look at macros, and use the BW TO CARBS CHART to establish a rough carb amount.


    Gary p

    According to the Bw to carb table for 164lbs I should eat  574g of carbs but if I ate that much I would be obese.


    Richard Schmitt

    T_T Really? Have you tried it?



    T_T Really? Have you tried it?

    X2Seems like all these newbies want the golden ticket and don't want to try a damn thing out on there own. Don't eat carbs during the day, lift, and then start your BL.... Simple as that.


    Gary p

    Hi no I have not tried it,but I have been lifting heavy for six months with good progress,but I'm am now 15% bf and want to be 10% bf I have been experimenting with diets for this time and I had currently been carb cycling between 180g-280g carbs for the last few months and I gained extra fat with I am hoping that carb backloading is the solution,to staying lean whilst building muscle but I have found the book to be good but a bit confusing in places which I'm trying to clear up.


    Gary p

    Thanks scope that is all I wanted to know a straight simple to the point answer.


    In the meal times calculator, are the fat numbers in the table only for the pre-carb meal times or would they apply to the whole day?

    If they apply to pre-carb meal times only, am I correct to assume we are free to include fat in our backload up to the point where we meet the 1:0.5 protein-fat ratio and fill the rest with carbs as required (or up to whatever calorie limit we aim for)?

    Just slightly confused whether to apply the fat levels to pre-carb times only or all day.


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Carb backloading pre carb meal times macro calculator

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