Carb-backloading question…

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    If i have a carb nite after my first 9 day reorientation, which I plan on being on a Sunday…and if I have my resistance training the following Wednesday evening and Saturday evening with carb backloading after each workout…can I then have a Carb Nite on Sunday again?  Just curious. 


    Damon Amato

    No, you're doing both protocols at once. Need to choose one or the other based on your goals.



    So that I understand this clearly…carb backloading is for those who workout and Carbnite is for those who don't.  Correct?


    Damon Amato

    You can work out on carb nite, you just won't gain muscle like backloading.



    I wasn't planning on working out on Carb Nite I was just wondering if I could still have it, or would the two backloading days suffice?


    Damon Amato

    Either one is ok. If you don't feel like working out and want to get rapid fat loss, do carb nite.


    There is a difference between the feeding of a carb night and a backload, you have to one or another.



    Trev, can you explain the difference?  I just want to understand so I don't screw anything up.  What are the reason(s) why you can't backload during the week and have CarbNite too.  Thank you. 


    Brandon D Christ

    You only “earn” a Carb Nite by going Ultra Low Carb for 6 and one half days.  You are not going Ultra Low carb for 6 and one half days because you are backloading and having carbs on two nights.  Therefore you can not have a Carb Nite.



    Thank you for clarifying.  Much appreciated.


    Brandon D Christ

    With your plan though you might need to have a small backload Tuesday night to refill some glycogen for Wednesday's workout.  Thi is because otherwise you would be going Low carb for Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and half of Wednesday.



    It's just backloading… What's the difference between CBL an CNS except from just eating more carbs?


    Brandon D Christ

    It's just backloading... What's the difference between CBL an CNS except from just eating more carbs?

    CBL is eating carbs after weight training.  CNS is carbs after going low carb for a week.  There is a huge difference.  CBL depends on exercise and CNS depends on going low carb for an extended period of time.



    It's just backloading... What's the difference between CBL an CNS except from just eating more carbs?

    CBL is eating carbs after weight training.  CNS is carbs after going low carb for a week.  There is a huge difference.  CBL depends on exercise and CNS depends on going low carb for an extended period of time.

    I know what these two diets are, but this guy is asking if "he can have a carb nite"- and you answer, that he can't.But he CAN have a backload, so... where would be the difference?


    There is also a difference in the amount you eat.A carb night is pretty much as much as you can eat in a 6 hour window.Backloads are much more controlled, and without working first have a better chance of fat gain.

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Carb-backloading question…

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