Carb-backloading question…

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    Brandon D Christ

    It's just backloading... What's the difference between CBL an CNS except from just eating more carbs?

    CBL is eating carbs after weight training.  CNS is carbs after going low carb for a week.  There is a huge difference.  CBL depends on exercise and CNS depends on going low carb for an extended period of time.

    I know what these two diets are, but this guy is asking if "he can have a carb nite"- and you answer, that he can't.But he CAN have a backload, so... where would be the difference?

    He asked if he can have a Carb Nite on Sunday, but he doesn't train that day.  I guess he can if he wants to, but it isn't part of the protocol.



    I haven't started CNS yet.  Would you recommend that I do that for the first 10 days and then institute CBL after that for the remainder of the six month process?  And what is the maximum amount of times I can CBL during the week?


    I'm guessing you don't have the CBL book?I'd recommend getting it, it lays out everything you need to know and for the most part how to implement it.You also need to be honest on your goals to choose which program to follow.


    Brandon D Christ

    I haven't started CNS yet.  Would you recommend that I do that for the first 10 days and then institute CBL after that for the remainder of the six month process?  And what is the maximum amount of times I can CBL during the week?

    What exactly are your goals?  If you want rapid fat loss and little bit of muscle growth, then do Carb Nite.  If you want muscle growth while losing fat slowly then do CBL.  Both programs require you do a 10 day prep phase where you are low carb for those 10 days.  Except for special cases, you can only backload after you lift weights.  If you let us know what you want are where you are now, we can point you in the right direction.



    Ibo,Well, I want muscle growth...not bodybuilder size but more than I have at 42 years of age.  I just read the book and totally understand about reorientation for nine days or so and then have CarbNite.  I was also reading other articles about carb backloading and was confused at what point I can start doing that?  How long should I wait to CBL?  Can I start it a few days after my first CarbNite?  And what is the maximum number of times you can CBL during a given week? 


    Brandon D Christ

    Ok you will want to do CBL then.  Here is how you do it:1.  First is the prep phase.  You got it 9 days low carbs and then you have a Carb Nite on the night of Day 10.  Workout this day and then when you are done with your workout that is when you would start the Carb Nite.  2.  You will then go low carb on days you don't workout and backload on days you do workout.



    ibo,thank you very much for this...

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Carb-backloading question…

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