Carb Calculating

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    Adam Hays

    I am a bit confused as to how to calculate my carb intake.  In the CBL Book it shows a table that realtes weight lost during the 10 day prep phase to baseline carbs.  What is the definition of “baseline carbs”?  and how do I use my baseline carb amount to calculate my carb intake for the day?  Thanks!!


    Richard Schmitt

    The chart in the book shows the possible max amount your glycogen stores could hold. Not a daily limit to hit. Going with 2g/LBM would be a great place to start as well. Baseline is that 30g of usable carbs in the ULC day.


    Stephen Williams

    He talked about this in a podcast but I don't remember which one. He basically said the baseline carbs are the total carbs your body is able to hold as the water weight you lose the first the days is from carbohydrates stored. Keep in mind that this includes water held by fat cells so when you carb load it will be less since you only want to provide enough for muscle. I don't know a rule of thumb for how much to back load but my rule of thumb was no more than lean body mass based on body fat estimates. I don't even touch that since my main goal is more fat loss than muscle gain.


    Stephen Williams

    Oh I stand corrected. I'm a bit more sensitive to the carbs.


    Adam Hays

    Ok cool.  That helps clear things up

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Carb Calculating

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