Personally I wouldn’t hold my breath, you could be holding it for a long time. CBL 1.0 went on sale (50% off) back in January of 2014 like this and we were all excited for CBL2.0 …………………
Just saying.
YES. I am very much looking forward to CBL 2.0 AND CN 2.0, however until he gives us an actual RELEASE DATE, I wouldn’t psych myself up over it.
Just to be clear…if you already own CNS1 you get CNS2 for free? I’m only asking because I keep getting daily emails to purchase it even though I’ve already purchased it. (the digital copy)
Don’t quote me on this… but I don’t “think” it’s going to be free, it is, however, ONLY GOING TO BE AVAILABLE for purchase for the people who already have purchased CN 1.0. It will be an add on to the original CN document. If you don’t have CN1.0, the add on won’t make much sense to you, therefor you need to purchase the first one (which you have) before you can purchase the 2.0.