Carb Nite Clarifications

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  • #503396

    Nelson Columbano

    Pardon my rookie questions. I’ll try to make them brief.
    1) During Carb Nite, is there a generally accepted rule of thumb maximum carbs during the 6-hour period?

    2) During Carb Nite, should fat be minimized entirely or just during the first couple of hours of the 6-hour period?

    3) I know that Carb Nites are mandatory every week or so… but what situations would be cause for restarting the 2-week induction? (for example, if I know I went overboard during carb nite and fall out of ketosis)

    4) Trial and error has shown me that a responsible Carb Nite (not overboard) on Tuesday night always gives me a headache Friday noon until bedtime. Sodium, Water, Advil and Tylenol do not help. It’s not a full keto-flu…but its still a light migraine pounding that slowly gets more intense from noon until midnight. I came to expect it week after week but twice now I’ve had the exact same meal of a 1/2# burger with bun and LOTS of sweet potato fries + ketchup + desert Tuesday night and…wait for it… no Friday headache! Does anyone have any experience/tips with this headache phenomenon?

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Carb Nite Clarifications

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